“The Squeeze”

The Squeeze THESE are challenging times for sensitive, rational people to be alive. I can only imagine: it must be super duper weird. We have just been through days with astrology so tightly strung, so balanced on the edge of a wedge, that the psychological pressure has at times verged on laughable. I speak for … Read more

A Galactic Moment

A Galactic Moment EL SOUL is opposite Pluto and the Galactic Core, reaching across 25 through 27 degrees of Gemini between now and the weekend. This means our planet is currently positioned between the Sun and the core of the Milky Way galaxy — our home. Observers most places on Earth can now see the … Read more

Eros: A Planet Frontier

Eros: A Planet Waves Frontier OUR NEW Eros area is very nearly ready to go. This new area is available to everyone who has upgraded to Gold Membership, or is a new subscriber with Gold Membership. Note, we’re working with a specialist in electional astrology to select the startup time, which will be in the … Read more

Enron’s Prize – corrected

Enron’s Prize CHART: https://planetwaves.net/chart.php?c=enron DOES CRIME PAY? Thursday at 11 a.m., the jury in the trial of Kenneth Lay, founder and former CEO of Enron and close compadre of George W. Bush, convicted him of six counts of fraud and conspiracy and four counts of bank fraud. Jeff Skilling, former president of Enron, was convicted … Read more

Karl Rove: Too Much of Nothing – corrected

Karl Rove: Too Much of Nothing In the day of confession We cannot mock a soul. Oh, when there’s too much of nothing, No one has control. — Dylan I know my uncle, he’s as honest as me And I’m as honest as a Denver man can be — Papa John WHO EXACTLY is Karl … Read more