The Aquarius Alignment of 2008

THE SUN is currently in Capricorn for a few more days, but planets are gathering in Aquarius. It’s a cool setup. Aquarius is a cool, airy sign associated with novelty, invention and themes of social acceptance, and this chart is wearing some fancy shades. As I begin writing just before noon eastern standard time Thursday … Read more

UAC Conference, Fool Moon and Horoscopes

Making the Most of an Astrology Conference Dear Friend and Reader: I mentioned a few weeks ago that we would be providing coverage of the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in Denver, which takes place May 15-20, 2008. This coverage is based on a relationship Planet Waves has with UAC, so we are in effect promoting the conference … Read more

Horoscopes: The Cosmic Voice of Reason

I believe in the future, I may live in my car My radio tuned to the voice of a star — Paul Simon SINCE IT’S POSSIBLE for horoscope columns to be effective without astrology itself working, we can look a little deeper into what makes this so. I suggest we don’t need to look too … Read more

The May – Planet Waves for Taurus 2007

Dear Friend and Reader: Welcome to Taurus. Welcome to The May, Beltane and the most celebrated of the Pagan high sabbats. This is the time of year to welcome and share life, love, abundance and all the gifts of the Goddess. True, any time is the right time — yet this is when it’s easiest … Read more

Ceres Equinox

THE COMBINED Mercury station direct, soon to move beyond echo phase (when Mercury finally enters new territory), the solar eclipse last Sunday and the vernal equinox earlier this week, have combined to push many people and things through turning points, some of them difficult. Even though this is an equinox, which is about balance, we … Read more