The May – Planet Waves for Taurus 2007

Dear Friend and Reader: Welcome to Taurus. Welcome to The May, Beltane and the most celebrated of the Pagan high sabbats. This is the time of year to welcome and share life, love, abundance and all the gifts of the Goddess. True, any time is the right time — yet this is when it’s easiest … Read more

Ceres Equinox

THE COMBINED Mercury station direct, soon to move beyond echo phase (when Mercury finally enters new territory), the solar eclipse last Sunday and the vernal equinox earlier this week, have combined to push many people and things through turning points, some of them difficult. Even though this is an equinox, which is about balance, we … Read more

Too Rich for Words

WE SEEM to be embarking on the strangest weekend since God knows when, perhaps before the American Revolution. I woke up this morning and clicked on the Planet Waves blog — which someone else is covering for me at the moment — to be informed that today is the day of Pluto conjunct the Galactic … Read more

Global Orgasm Day: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

CAN ORGASM create world peace? In our strange but true country known as the Internet, the word is out on the streets that Friday, Dec. 22 is Global Orgasm Day. Being someone who thinks “every day is Global Orgasm Day,” it took some time (and a few reader emails) for me to figure out this … Read more

Di, Dodi and Henri Paul: What Happened?

WITH the Princess Diana story surfacing yet again, it seemed as good a time as any to take a look at the astrology. I had never seen the chart for the car crash itself; in 1997, I was still doing mostly natal astrology and it did not occur to me to check the event chart; … Read more