Aquarius New Moon: Taking a Chance Being Yourself

Dear Friend and Reader: Wednesday evening (Thursday in European and Australian time zones) the Aquarius New Moon lights up the planet waves. This is a vibrant event, concentrating seven planets and points in Aquarius, happening right as the Sun passes over the midpoint of that sign. This lunation is taking place right in the midst … Read more

Wave Pulse One

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Most of us are pretty creeped out by all these reports of birds suddenly falling out of the sky and fish turning up dead. It’s been an unusual week in other ways, here in the days following Tuesday morning’s solar eclipse and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. On New Year’s Eve, about 5,000 … Read more

A Homeopathic Moment: Mercury Retrograde

eclipse of the Moon and the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice, as well as the holiday travel season. Mercury will dip back into late Sagittarius, treading in reverse over the Galactic Core, then after stationing direct make another conjunction to the core early next year. Before I get into a few other details of this astrology and what it may say about our most personal lives, I have several points of follow up on last week’s article about WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

Something in the Night

Dear Reader: Venus and Mars are dancing around in a conjunction in Scorpio. Mars was retrograde in Leo earlier in the year, and now it’s moving ahead at full speed. Venus is about to be retrograde, and is moving slowly. So we have a fairly rare condition with Mars, which is further from the Sun, … Read more

Mercury Stationing Retrograde in Virgo

Dear Fellow Traveler: Mercury stations retrograde today. Can you feel it? If you have the patience, it’s one of those deep-thinking moments. If you don’t, you may be encountering significant frustration — so practice patience, especially in any form of communication. Prudent astrological counsel is to move gently, slowly, carefully; do so day by day … Read more