Something About Egypt

Dear Friend and Reader: There are three things to keep in mind about Egypt at this juncture, while its destiny is now being slugged out on the streets of Cairo with clubs and Molotov cocktails. One is how old the place is. I believe the oldest relics of human creation on Earth can be found … Read more

Aquarius New Moon: Taking a Chance Being Yourself

Dear Friend and Reader: Wednesday evening (Thursday in European and Australian time zones) the Aquarius New Moon lights up the planet waves. This is a vibrant event, concentrating seven planets and points in Aquarius, happening right as the Sun passes over the midpoint of that sign. This lunation is taking place right in the midst … Read more

You Are Who You Are: Your Zodiac Sign Has Not Changed

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: AST WEEK’S ‘YOUR SIGN IS WRONG’ HOAX that spread like feathers at a pillow fight was a rare trip through the news for the craft of astrology. Every now and then our old profession gathers a little attention, usually due to a misunderstanding or a prediction someone has … Read more

You Are Who You Are: The ‘Your Sign is Wrong’ Hoax

Dear Friend and Reader: AST WEEK’S YOUR SIGN IS WRONG HOAX spread like feathers at a pillow fight was a rare trip through the news for the craft of astrology. Every now and then our old profession gathers a little attention, usually due to a misunderstanding or a prediction someone has made. Once it happened … Read more

Beneath the Guns and Politics, Gender Rage

Dear Friend and Reader: In the wake of the shootings in Tucson nearly one week ago, the focus of the discussion is on the political causes and implications of the incident. There are many, though what’s also clear is that there are issues below the issue, such as the deep frustration, rage and mistrust that … Read more