Eric Francis: Telling the story of the world

LINK TO MASTER ARTICLES ARCHIVE This letter points to odd little collections; cool PDFs below Dear Friend and Reader: Welcome! This page is the beginning of a comprehensive archive of my journalism, which long predates my being an astrologer. These days, I write mostly about astrology, though since astrology is about the world, I branch … Read more

Eric Francis: Telling the story of the world

First, so you can find it: Here is my portfolio of articles, videos and some audio on Covid-19 dating back to early February, called The Coronavirus Novel. LINK TO MASTER ARTICLES ARCHIVE This letter (below) points to odd little collections; cool PDFs under that. The archive above is a growing collection of my work. Currently … Read more

You Can Study Astrology with Eric Francis

Personal Note from Eric “Everyone teaches, and teaches all the time.” — A Course in Miralces As part of my daily work, I make myself available to teach astrology, writing and research skills. This happens in many ways, mostly through direct experience, and also in online forums. Each spring, I teach a new series of … Read more

On the Turning Away

Dear Friend and Reader: Before I visited Buchenwald, I visited Ilvers Gehoffen. Everyone has seen photos of concentration camps, but you would not recognize this one. It’s set in a neighborhood outside Erfurt, where the Holocaust is said to have begun. I know there are several places this is claimed to have happened, though the … Read more