Once Upon a Time in Boston

Dear Friend and Reader: I walked into Dominick’s Cafe to buy some newspapers on Saturday, April 20, and Dominick asked me: “What the heck just happened in Boston?” That’s the question, isn’t it. And it’s a good one. The fairytale version goes like this: Terrifying, mysterious bombers attacked the crowd at a great athletic event. … Read more

The War Comes Home, to Boston

Dear Friend and Reader: As of our distribution time, two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing had been identified. After a robbery last night at a Cambridge 7-Eleven and a shootout near the campus of MIT, one of the two suspects identified Thursday is dead and one remains at large, as the entire Boston metro … Read more

Mercury Retrograde, Full Moon and Biophilia

Dear Friend and Reader: The sky is focused on Pisces these days, with some significant natural features in the landscape approaching. As a reminder, this is no ordinary Pisces time — currently the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Neptune are collected there. And Venus is on the way. It does happen from time to time … Read more

A Fine Line: Roe v. Wade at 40

By Eric Francis Coppolino | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Tuesday, the Roe v. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court has its 40th anniversary. As I imagine most people know, this was the court’s 1973 landmark ruling that defines a woman’s right to terminate an early-term pregnancy, in consultation with her doctor. Less often … Read more

The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: It’s time for yet another visit with the chart for 12/21/12 before the event itself. Well, maybe ‘event’ is too strong of a word, though this seems to be the conclusion of a 5,125-year span of history that began on Aug. 11, 3113 BCE, day one of the … Read more