This is a Test: War of the Worlds

Originally published Oct. 27, 2016 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: For his weekly program on Halloween eve of 1938, a young Orson Welles tried something new. For some months, his Mercury Theater on the Air had run on Columbia Broadcasting System (the CBS Radio Network) with a small listenership. On the evening … Read more

Eyes On, Mind On: Saturn Conjunct Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: The exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction takes place just 10 days from now, on Sunday, Jan. 12. Leading into that is an eclipse of the Moon on Jan. 10; we will be carried swiftly into this aspect. Saturn-Pluto itself describes the high-pressure crux points we are in right now. It’s one of those … Read more

Take Heed — plus Your January Monthly Horoscope

Dec. 27, 2019 | Link to Original “I look out across the slumbering sea of humanity and I whisper these words in the night. And I know that I address a great being sleeping still in ignorance of itself. I know that if the wild winter winds of your communication systems send tatters or fragments … Read more

Take Heed

“I look out across the slumbering sea of humanity and I whisper these words in the night. And I know that I address a great being sleeping still in ignorance of itself. I know that if the wild winter winds of your communication systems send tatters or fragments of this message echoing in the darkness, … Read more

Take Heed

“I look out across the slumbering sea of humanity and I whisper these words in the night. And I know that I address a great being sleeping still in ignorance of itself. I know that if the wild winter winds of your communication systems send tatters or fragments of this message echoing in the darkness, … Read more