Dateline Kyiv: Report From the Scene of the Crime

Published Jan. 23, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I’m here in Kyiv, hot on the trail of Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort and the cafe where Gordon Sondland had champagne and caviar ravioli while chatting loudly with Donald Trump about making a deal with Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy to announce a phony investigation … Read more

World Within, World About

Originally published Feb. 21, 2019 | Link to original “These different kinds of pain share a common thread: our lack of healthy connection to each other, our inability to see the full dignity of each other, and the resulting culture of fear, distrust, tribalism, shaming and strife.” — David Brooks in The New York Times … Read more

This is a Test: War of the Worlds

Originally published Oct. 27, 2016 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: For his weekly program on Halloween eve of 1938, a young Orson Welles tried something new. For some months, his Mercury Theater on the Air had run on Columbia Broadcasting System (the CBS Radio Network) with a small listenership. On the evening … Read more

Eyes On, Mind On: Saturn Conjunct Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: The exact Saturn-Pluto conjunction takes place just 10 days from now, on Sunday, Jan. 12. Leading into that is an eclipse of the Moon on Jan. 10; we will be carried swiftly into this aspect. Saturn-Pluto itself describes the high-pressure crux points we are in right now. It’s one of those … Read more

Take Heed — plus Your January Monthly Horoscope

Dec. 27, 2019 | Link to Original “I look out across the slumbering sea of humanity and I whisper these words in the night. And I know that I address a great being sleeping still in ignorance of itself. I know that if the wild winter winds of your communication systems send tatters or fragments … Read more