Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope — November 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: November is the month when the Sun moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius. As autumn develops, the theme evolves from the deepest emotional and sexual consciousness (flavored by Days of the Dead in early November) to the most etheric, global and cosmic. Yet the concepts of these two signs contain one another. … Read more

Scorpio Time: Erotic Enlightenment

Dear Friend and Reader: Scorpio time is when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. In many cultures, this time of year is host to Days of the Dead, where the living honor their ancestors, making food for them and lighting the way back home with candles. This is a great tradition, honoring our predecessors, … Read more

The Sacred Space of Self

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Of the mysteries of ancient Rome, the vestal virgins stand out as one of the most intriguing. Who were these women, who served half a lifetime tending the sacred fire, taken between ages six and 10, and maintaining celibacy through 30 (or more) years of service to the goddess? They not … Read more

In the Nature of Water

Dear Fellow Traveler: We have nearly arrived at the total solar eclipse in Cancer. There are many kinds of eclipses, and this is just the second total solar eclipse in Cancer since the June 2001 event that rewrote existence. (The most recent was last July.) The June 21, 2001 eclipse was precisely on the Aries … Read more

A woman, risen from the sea

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: The other day I got curious about the term ‘self-actualization’, which I hadn’t heard for years. The first time I encountered it as a kid (in the ’70s, when people seemed to talk about this stuff more than we do today) I intuitively knew what it meant. To me, it was … Read more