Daily Astrology: March-April 2020

Back to Current Page April 30 — The Day of the Dutiful Overload by Eric Francis If today is your birthday: Be aware that people who have original thoughts are not always accepted or treated well. Intelligent ideas are rarely recognized in their time. Yet your solar return chart describes you as someone who may … Read more

Covid19 News from Planet Waves — April 2020 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to editors@planetwaves.net. Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

The Dharma — Your 2020 Spring Reading for Pisces

Introduction from Eric Francis Dear Friend and Client: Your DHARMA readings are ready. These video presentations are the result of many years developing sophisticated astrology discussions using the whole-sign/solar chart. For some questions, the birth chart offers extra guidance. The solar chart is rich with information as well, as you will see. To this work, … Read more

The Dharma — Your 2020 Spring Reading for Aquarius

Introduction from Eric Francis Dear Friend and Client: Your DHARMA readings are ready. These video presentations are the result of many years developing sophisticated astrology discussions using the whole-sign/solar chart. For some questions, the birth chart offers extra guidance. The solar chart is rich with information as well, as you will see. To this work, … Read more

The Dharma — Your 2020 Spring Reading for Capricorn

Introduction from Eric Francis Dear Friend and Client: Your DHARMA readings are ready. These video presentations are the result of many years developing sophisticated astrology discussions using the whole-sign/solar chart. For some questions, the birth chart offers extra guidance. The solar chart is rich with information as well, as you will see. To this work, … Read more