Retrograding into the Future

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR SCORPIO | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter Scorpio is made of durable stuff: of life itself. When Aleister Crowley and the Lady Frieda Harris designed the Thoth Tarot, they illustrated the card associated with your sign with the double helix shape of the DNA molecule, which, oddly, … Read more

Master Class Bundle: 13 Classes with Eric Francis

Purchase Your Bundle Here Intro to Reading a Natal Chart I cover a few of the core ancient rules you need to know, provide you with two essential tools, then move onto modern interpretation techniques using two example charts. Students should, at least, be versed in the most basic level of astrology — for example, … Read more

Planet Waves Reader Experiences of the Lockdown

Published June 24, 2020 If we in the West are privileged, our real problem is that we often seek to exercise all of our privileges all the time, and too often take everything for granted. We have gone through (and in some places, continue to go through) an experience that has shifted the total social … Read more

Covid19 News from Planet Waves — May 2020 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in fmrom your local area — please send to Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

Planet Waves FM for Aug. 16 :: Introduction to Mars Retrograde, Tantra Studio on the impossible conversation, and the science of Covid and the history of science

Astrology Public Radio in affiliation with the Pacifica Radio Network (which carries Democracy Now!). Planet Waves FM is a project of Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are 100% listener supported. Your contribution — large or small — helps make this program happen. We run on a little money and a lot of love. … Read more