A Journey to the Heart of Self: Leo Birthdays

Dear Leo: IT IS UNUSUAL enough to have an eclipse of the Sun in your birth sign, and this occurred on Aug. 1. Eclipses tend to shake up our lives, particularly if they occur close to a personal point (such as the Sun, Moon or ascendant). No doubt you’re feeling some solidified matter starting to … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – August 2008

Aries (March 21-April 19) A solar eclipse in Leo early in the month will ease the way toward freeing you from the sense of responsibility, pressure or lack of flexibility that has characterized much of your year so far. If you feel you’re being pushed past your comfort zone, that’s exactly where you want to be; … Read more

The Ultimate Opportunity to Get Unstuck

Dear Friend and Reader: LATELY I HAVE been hearing a lot of the word stuck. This feels positively strange to say, but there seems to be a trend of admitting you’re not going anywhere in life, or like you feel like you’re not going anywhere. Every other email I get from a reader is about … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – August 2008

Dear Friend and Reader: AUGUST BRINGS a pair of eclipses; this happens twice a year, each year always a couple of weeks earlier than the prior one. Eclipses bring a break in continuity and they help us set patterns and cultivate the future in a direct, immediate and dependable way. For starters, we have a … Read more

The Capricorn Moon and an Altar to Ceres

Dear Friend and Reader: I STARTED AN article yesterday called “Islands of the Future,” planned for today, developing the ideas of a prior piece based on the Starseed Transmissions, “A Psychological Process.” It turned out to be a little more ambitious than I anticipated, so I’m giving it some more time and letting the ideas percolate. … Read more