Pan, Beltane and the Love of the Earth

Dear Friend and Reader: What a strange, beautiful mix of energies we’re in right now. When I was in the spiritual boot camp known as Miracle Manor, we often tossed around an expression: love brings up everything unlike itself. The only thing unlike love is fear, so if we can be prepared for that, and … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space for May 2009

BY ERIC FRANCIS Aries (March 20-April 19) You are standing before a door to the universe, and you hold the key to all worlds. You might well ask what one thing you would do or create, if you could do or create anything. Let this be a mental and hopefully emotional exercise that you do … Read more

A Moment of Chiron, or Notes from 6D

Dear Friend and Reader: In my Planet Waves daily diary all week I’ve been commenting about the conjunction of Chiron and Neptune that is now within one degree, in late Aquarius. This is a ‘near-miss’ rather than an exact conjunction but it’s coming in at a nice strength. Neptune in Aquarius, which began in 1998 … Read more

Monthly Horoscope for May 2009

Dear Friend and Reader: The astrology of May is some of the most unusual of our lifetimes, and this time will stand apart in history from any we have known. It’s also gentle arrangement, working primarily on the level of awareness rather than of physical events. Involved primarily are Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius, which … Read more

Alt Horoscope for April 2009

By Eric Francis Aries (March 20-April 19) Usually this is an outgoing time of year for you, though lately one eye seems to be turned inward. That’s a good direction for it; there is no vision like inner vision. Be patient as you go through the deep experience of Venus moving backward through your sign … Read more