Beneath the Guns and Politics, Gender Rage

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: In the wake of the shootings in Tucson nearly one week ago, the focus of the discussion is on the political causes and implications of the incident. There are many, though what’s also clear is that there are issues below the issue, such as the deep frustration, rage … Read more

How to Cross an Ocean; How to Light a Fire

Pisces, as the last sign of the zodiac, represents the primal waters to which thought, action and memory return — and from which they emerge. Seawater contains traces of nearly every element, from oxygen to iron to gold. The history of humanity is contained in the world’s oceans, as rivers course through canyons and cities and carry everything to the shore.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for December 2010

Dear Planet Waves Reader: In December we come back to the fast-changing astrology that is linked to Mercury retrograde and eclipses. For those who can remember as far back as December 2009, this is similar — but not quite the overwhelming whirlwind of energy. Still, navigating through holidays when Mercury is retrograde (Dec. 10-30, which … Read more

In the Wings: Taurus Full Moon

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Last week I described the rare alignment in Sagittarius, consisting of many kinds of planets. That was the one conjunct the Great Attractor with all the political themes. It’s still happening. So far there have been a lot of quirky news stories this week, from Charles Rangle running wrangle to the … Read more

And What Are We Attracting?

Dear Planet Waves Reader: In recent podcasts, I’ve been tracking a planetary alignment that’s soon to arrive, just as Venus stations direct next week. This grouping, already underway, is a collection of both major and minor planets gathering around a deep-space point called the Great Attractor, located in mid-Sagittarius. These include planets you’ve definitely heard of (Mercury, … Read more