Moonshine Horoscopes — Gemini New Moon Edition

Gemini New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Gemini New Moon is highlighting how you think and the patterns in which your mind moves. Your mind is one of your most powerful tools. I suggest experimenting with a few new ideas and approaches to how you use it. When … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Sagittarius Full Moon Edition

Aries (March 20-April 19) — At the moment, you may be questioning an attitude you’ve held for a long time. This viewpoint has become so ingrained it feels more like a habit than a conscious manner of thinking. As you make contact with the opposite perspective, it feels at odds with what you’ve held to be … Read more

Life Passages: The Return of Saturn

I am older than I once was / And younger than I’ll be… After changes upon changes / We are more or less the same — Paul Simon, from the missing verse of “The Boxer” There was never any more inception than there is now, Nor any more youth or age than there is now,  … Read more

Bursting Free: Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Dear Friend and Reader: Yesterday we began our experience of a solar eclipse in Taurus. The nice thing about eclipses is that their effects last a while. Some astrologers say a few months, many say six months, though as I do lots of world horoscopes, I’ve noticed that the eclipses have effects that can last … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Taurus New Moon Edition

Moonshine Horoscopes by Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — What do you value? Pull out a pen and paper and make a list of that which is most important to you. Making a list will provide a concrete way to gather your thoughts and sort through new information regarding what you think of as important. … Read more