Moonshine Horoscope — Aquarius New Moon Edition

Aquarius New Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be experiencing a sense of restlessness, like your inner energy is pushing out to be put into something. I propose applying this energy to tending your network and building relationships. You are in a period of heightened awareness regarding where you … Read more

An Expert’s Guide to Mercury Retrograde

Dear Friend and Reader: Three or four times a year, everyone who knows something about astrology goes through a ritual called Mercury retrograde. Everyone who doesn’t know about astrology gets to have the experience, not sure what it is though perhaps suspecting that something weird is going on. We are now approaching the first of … Read more

Astrology for the Soul

Dear Friend and Reader: As you know, I am passionate about news astrology, and using it as a way to illustrate the personal impact of current events on our private lives. I’m equally passionate about personal astrology — the kind that helps us figure out where we’re at in life and how to consider our … Read more

Moonshine Horoscopes — Cancer Full Moon Edition

Cancer Full Moon Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway Aries (March 20-April 19) — As a Moon sign that naturally wants to push outward and express yourself, the inward pull you are working through may feel a bit uncomfortable or unfamiliar, like you are too much in your own skin. I suggest using your level of discomfort … Read more

What is Revealed: Venus Conjunct the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader: The astrology of the moment is the Sun’s interior conjunction with Venus. This is the midpoint of the Venus retrograde process (please see SKY section below), when Venus passes exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Venus stations direct on Jan. 31. Venus retrogrades don’t tend to cause the commotion that Mercury … Read more