From the Ground Up

Dear Friend and Reader: The United States is famously conceived as a government of, by and for the people, as Abraham Lincoln phrased it in his address at the Gettysburg battlefield cemetery. Every American knows those words. Another use of similar language is contained in the preamble to the Constitution written decades earlier, which begins: … Read more

Zoom in, Zoom Out: Mercury Opposite Jupiter

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re now in the last quarter phase of the Moon; it is waning toward the Gemini New Moon, which occurs in about a week. Before we arrive, Mercury makes an opposition to Jupiter, exact on Thursday. This happens once a year, but this year it’s rather special — each planet is … Read more

Mars Square Chiron: Integrity and Flexibility

Dear Friend and Reader: Today, Mars is square Chiron. This is part of the larger grand cross I’ve been writing about the past few weeks, including our prior Thursday edition. In this short article I want to focus on the Mars-Chiron contact, which brings in Salacia (which is conjunct Chiron in Aries). I’ve always found this … Read more

Three Conversations We Need to Have

Dear Friend and Reader: Mars entered Cancer Wednesday, beginning an adventurous mini-era of astrology lasting through July 1. I introduced the topic in the Monday Morning edition with an article and horoscope based on the Mars transit. Mars is the planet of desire. Usually associated with maleness, every person has Mars in their chart, so everyone possesses … Read more

Mars and the Cardinal Cross

Dear Friend and Reader: This week, the movement of Mars begins a new phase of astrological history. Here is an idea to work with, if you strive to understand astrology. In every era, there are slow-moving patterns of planets that take a long time to form, and hold their positions for years, and sometimes for … Read more