World Within, World About

Originally published Feb. 21, 2019 | Link to original “These different kinds of pain share a common thread: our lack of healthy connection to each other, our inability to see the full dignity of each other, and the resulting culture of fear, distrust, tribalism, shaming and strife.” — David Brooks in The New York Times … Read more

The Saturn-Pluto Initiation

Jan. 12, 2020 | Link to Original Dear Friend and Reader: We have now passed through, or perhaps directly into, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which was exact a few minutes before noon Eastern Time on Sunday. This is a turning point in all of our lives. It is time for a check-in and a review. Using … Read more

History, Turning on a Phrase

Originally published Oct. 8, 2010 | Link to original “We don’t want freedom. We don’t want justice. We just want someone to love.” — David Byrne / Talking Heads Dear Friend and Reader: Yesterday’s Libra New Moon quietly marked a threshold in world history, if you use astrology as a way of keeping track. We … Read more

It’s Two Minutes to Midnight

Published Jan. 9, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: It is encouraging that on the eve of the lunar eclipse and Saturn-Pluto conjunction, tensions between Iran and the United States began ramping down, not up. Full Moons can be confrontational, and Sunday’s grand conjunction in Capricorn represents some major turn of history. … Read more

Into the Eclipse, and the Conjunction

Dear Friend and Reader: What we are witnessing now in the world is typical, even predictable, of what you would expect from combining an eclipse with the most potent planetary alignment since the 1960s. You would expect the world to be on the brink of war. It was only a month after the Saturn-Pluto opposition … Read more