The Capricorn Point

Dear Friend and Reader: LAST WEEK, I suggested that it’s time to start counting the emotional cost of what we’ve been experiencing: the torrent of instability, crime and tragedy that has emanated from Washington, DC during the past eight years, thinly disguised as public policy. Lately the emphasis has shifted to the roller coaster of … Read more

Crossing the Borders and Boundaries of Time

Dear Friend and Reader: LAST WEEKEND when I met Melanie Reinhart in person for the first time, she was chipper as ever about her belief that it doesn’t matter if people use Chiron in their astrological work. This is an interesting comment coming from one of the most grounded teachers and indeed creators of the … Read more

Pluto Power: The Point of Light

Dear Friend and Reader: WITH TODAY’S Full Moon, we are witnessing what happens when you thrust Pluto in Capricorn into the spotlight for the first time. The news has been throbbing. So have a lot of people’s heads. The pressure is on; the canary in the coal mine looks dizzy. This week it seems that … Read more

Aries New Moon, and the Radha-Eris Conjunction

Dear Friend and Reader: Tuesday’s Aries New Moon is a good place to check in with the wider cosmic landscape — it’s been a while. Through Monday, the Moon is making a close approach to the Sun, which can feel tense and introspective; the extreme waning Moon has a 12th house feeling — polarities of … Read more

Aries Birthdays: The Boarderland

Aries Birthdays: The Borderland THIS WILL count for one of the most astonishing years of your life, and mostly what you need to do is go with the flow. That is not so passive an act as it may seem, or as the term is used in common speech. The ‘flow’ represents all the forces … Read more