Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for August 11, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The world has become a strange place socially, with many people still convinced that breathing is a threat to human life. You might want to take some time and decide for yourself whether that is true. You will benefit from some consistency here.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for August 4, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You can do anything you’re not afraid to do. Therefore, don’t let your anxieties get in the way of your desires. See if you can take a ride on your confidence. It will be worth any conscious effort to get through resistance or insecurity, which could manifest as your ruling planet Mars makes a square to Saturn this week.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for August 2022

The Sun enters your sign in grand style on Friday, joining Mercury and the powerful asteroid Isis, among other factors. Isis is a wholly appropriate symbol for Leo, whose main job in life is to hold things together — as described by the Sun, around which orbit more than one million planets and various kinds of asteroids.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for July 21, 2022

The Sun enters your sign in grand style on Friday, joining Mercury and the powerful asteroid Isis, among other factors. Isis is a wholly appropriate symbol for Leo, whose main job in life is to hold things together — as described by the Sun, around which orbit more than one million planets and various kinds of asteroids.

Leo, Isis and the Royal Star Regulus

The Sun enters the fixed fire sign Leo at 4:07 pm on Friday. It does so in an exact conjunction to asteroid Isis. This is an urgent message that we must do something about the fragmentation of self that we are experiencing under full digital conditions. Countless millions of people are walking around on the planet like confused and wayward souls trapped in Bardo.