Uranus in Aries

Dear Friend and Reader: Later today (overnight Friday in some time zones), Uranus leaves Pisces and enters Aries to stay for the next seven years. As the astrology picture of 2012-2015 assembles, this is one of the biggest pieces — the presence of Uranus representing the energy surge; the impulse to enter the future. This … Read more

Revolution in the Aries (or is it Pisces)

Dear Friend and Reader: Revolution is seething in one of the unlikeliest regions of the world: not merely North Africa and the Middle East, but the United States. We might have asked when the people ruled by imams, mullahs, sultans, princes, kings, ayatollahs and ordinary leech despots were going to get restless. We might have … Read more

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus: Reality Checkpoint

Dear Friend and Reader: Today we arrive at the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, in the first degree of Aries. As I’ve written many times, this is one of the key events in the 2012 astrological pattern, which peaks when the Mayan long count reaches day on Dec. 21, 2012. The astrological pattern associated … Read more

Radharani New Moon in Aries

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: Wednesday’s New Moon in Aries arrives at a time when many transitions are brewing. The Moon and Sun will be conjunct Wednesday at 8:29 am EDT (New York daylight time) and 1:29 pm GMD/BST (London daylight time). This is the first New Moon of the astronomical and astrological year, and it … Read more

Aries Full Moon: Relationship News Roundup

Dear Friend and Reader: Overnight Saturday to Sunday is the Aries Full Moon. That’s the Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra. Aries is the sign of “I am” and Libra is the sign of “we are.” This lunation is about the meeting point of individuals and the relationships we encounter. The tune of … Read more