Our Come to Moses Moment

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

Remember this day in which you came out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery, for by a strong hand the Lord brought you out from this place.Exodus 13:3

Tin soldiers and Nixons coming / We’re finally on our own. — Neil Young

Dear Friend and Reader:

With tonight’s Mercury station direct, we have another equally substantial event: the Sun is conjunct Saturn at the midpoint of Aquarius. This is a combination of aspects that says: Slow Down and Pay Attention. Many more celestial events argue for the same approach.

The astrology so far this year has been exhausting, largely the result of simultaneous retrogrades in Capricorn, with Pluto involved. There have been great moments here and there, though inner-planet retrogradation in Capricorn can feel like waking backwards uphill.

Sun conjunct Saturn. I spilled some whiteout on my nice cream-colored chart. View larger image here.

But now we are at a turning point, or at least topping point. The midpoint of Aquarius is called a ‘cross-quarter day’ — that is, one of the balancing points of the zodiac, and of the year. These are the midway locations between a solstice and an equinox (which are called the ‘quarter days’).

The current one is known in different traditions as Imbolc, Candlemas, and Ground Hog Day. Plus, Valentine’s Day is such a cultural phenomenon that it counts as part of this group of Imbolc-related midwinter holidays, even though it’s about 10 days out from the midpoint.

(If you want a nifty, dependable book about this topic, check out Celestially Auspicious Occasions by Donna Henes. I’ll let you find the appropriate bookseller for that.)

As for the world focusing so much attention on a humble woodchuck allegedly looking at his shadow: divination is a traditional but largely forgotten theme of all of the quarter days and the cross-quarter days, as well as eclipses.

Aquarius truckin’ on. Photo by Eric Francis.

Ground Hog Day is About Divination

Ground Hog Day is particularly interesting as it is the only public commemoration I can think of where there is any acknowledgment of divination: we expect a ground hog looking at his shadow to predict the weather.

Blissful Bodhi and Truthful Tea Leaf from The Everlasting Forest by Lanvi Nguyen and Laural Waters. View larger image.

Notably, we all seem to be caught in a version of the movie by the same title, though lately there are signs of progress.

As for the world focusing so much attention on a humble woodchuck allegedly looking at his shadow: divination is a traditional but largely forgotten theme of all of the quarter days and the cross-quarter days, as well as eclipses.

Today we will be doing some scrying using the smoky mirror known as astrology.

I would remind everyone this is also Children’s Authors and Illustrators’ Week; our artist Lanvi Nguyen has created a magnificent book for kids.

And don’t forget that in the United States, Feb. 3 is National Golden Retriever Day. If you take care of one (or any other canine), please give him or her a nibble and a sniff from me and my friend St. Francis. Better yet, bring your golden or other canine over for dinner; we insist. The food is good here and there are plenty of cuddles to go around. More February celebrations can be found here.

If you want to have some fun, bring a fruit basket to the Asian-owned businesses who serve you. It is a gesture of wishing them health and prosperity.

Our New Year’s fruit basket project — Lanvi and I delivered these to the Asian-owned business we work with throughout the community. They are not a product; we made them by hand. Photo by Eric.

The Sun in its Course

The Sun is now 45 degrees from the Aries equinox, which is the beginning of the solar year. In the Northern Hemisphere, spring is coming. The Sun is also 45 degrees past the Capricorn solstice. That is called a midpoint. Earlier this week, most of the world celebrated the lunar New Year holiday in the form of Tuesday’s Aquarius New Moon, the beginning of the Year of the Water Tiger. If you want to have some fun, bring a fruit basket to the Asian-owned businesses who serve you. It is a gesture of wishing them health and prosperity.

Right now, slow-moving Saturn is holding the Aquarius midpoint, and today is being met by a conjunction to the Sun. This is happening concurrently with Mercury stationing direct next door in Capricorn. This is happening right after this past weekend’s Venus direct in Capricorn. All of this is timed with a New Moon close to the cross-quarter.

This is a mini-cluster of events that will be followed by an even more significant one on March 2-3. I’ve been covering this on STARCAST and Planet Waves TV.

In spatial terms, Saturn is halfway through its trip across Aquarius, though in time, it’s closer to two-thirds of the way to Pisces. Saturn began its Aquarius transit in late March 2020, and it ends in early March 2023, just a few weeks before Pluto first touches the shores of Aquarius.

One follows the other. One is preparation for the next. The interval between now and March 2023 is a critical phase of human history. Much will be decided in that short time.

For two years, people have routinely been accusing their neighbors of being killers — not by negligence (absurd enough) but by intent. This is so grotesque I have no words for it.

Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer; it is about a container. That’s represented by Saturn, too. Here is the perfect image to represent that: the Ashokan Reservoir near Kingston, completed in about 1912, which provides water to New York City. Photo by Eric Francis.

Natural Limits and Boundaries

Saturn is the planet that represents natural limits. The Sun conjunct Saturn is calling for discipline and focus. Aquarius is the sign that represents humanity in the sense of what we do together in groups. The only way we can do things together is if we are not terrified of one another. We cannot be social when we all suspect one another of being disease vectors.

For two years, people have routinely been accusing their neighbors of being killers — not by negligence (absurd enough) but by intent. This is so grotesque I have no words for it.

Normally, humans think nothing of piling into commuter busses, the airport tram, or the Disney World monorail. We like to crowd into discos, parties, rock concerts and mosh pits, and used to be frequently found hugging one another, sharing food and having cuddle parties. We pass around joints and share cigarettes with “nonsmokers” who want a drag for old time’s sake. We snuggle up on the couch.

Now our social patterns are shattered, and we are scrambling as a result. Social patterns means the fragile trust that we had in one another What is worse are all of the young people whose impressions of this scenario will last their whole lives.

Soon, we will need to watch fictional Netflix series’ for documentary evidence of how people behaved before they were suffering from phobias and mass delusional psychosis.

These children are being marred for life by being forced to wear masks.

Sun Conjunct Saturn: Get a Grip

These impressions are especially critical for all kids, though children under the age of three (forced to “mask up,” with all the attendant feelings) will form their limbic (emotional neurological) pathways around this cruel, pointless insanity. They will grow up thinking that seeing someone’s face is a threat to their life. The effect is the intent.

The Sun conjunct Saturn is saying: Get A Grip. If Saturn in Aquarius is cautionary of a chilling effect on our social relationships, Sun conjunct Saturn is saying a little thawing out is in order.

It is time to wake up to the social reality of our times rather than making endless excuses of how everything is making us safer. Ask yourself if this is really you. Ask yourself why, if you know none this has any actual positive effect, you may still do it.

Soon, we will need to watch fictional Netflix series’ for documentary evidence of how people behaved before they were suffering from phobias and mass delusional psychosis. You will not want to live in the world that this creates, though you may get to. But we are fast approaching that, and may have crossed the point of no return. The Aquarian angle of this these patters will take hold permanently if we allow them to. We are creating a world where it is now socially unacceptable not to be paranoid.

In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.

This is the World Economic Forum’s plan to have your entire identity be dependent upon your digital identity. Your “Green Pass” will be your right to exist — do you think that’s a good idea?

The Significance and Experience of the Body

How is this possible? Consider the relationship between Aquarius and technology. As the sign of social patterns, of electricity and of wireless communication, Aquarius is the perfect metaphor for digital conditions taking over our lives.

Media philosopher Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) suggested back in the 1960s that “the computer is LSD for the businessman.” That’s because only businessmen had them. Now everyone has one, and we are all tripping balls: we are totally disoriented.

His son Eric put it this way:

“The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”

This is what’s happened to us. This is a big topic, though one that is largely ignored. People in Western society tend to accept new technology without questioning its potential effects, by which I mean what it will make us become. I’ve heard the lines are already forming out in the freezing cold for the iPhone 14, which does not yet exist.

We have seen how “social media” is anything but social, and is in fact anti-social to the degree of breeding hostility and division on the physical plane.

The AIR RING! Is this just stylish? Or exactly how brainwashed must one be to think this will actually filter a “deadly respiratory virus” out of the air? This device will not protect anyone from anything — if it exists, and especially if it doesn’t exist. From the beginning, “covid” has been a marketing bonanza, especially for tech.

Accepting Technology and ‘Innovation’ Without Question

We tend to accept technology and “innovation” without the meekest question or consideration of the consequences. The purveyors used to care only about making money. Now, they are involved in social engineering on a level never before possible.

If you are in a situation involving smoke, contaminants or biohazards, this is what you need — a $3,000 Scott Air-Pak.

Till recently, we were aware of the dumbing down and hypnosis of the population induced by cellphones. We understood the influence of Twitter, which trained everyone to think in 140 characters (and is often used to govern the world).

We have seen how “social media” is anything but social, and is in fact anti-social to the degree of breeding hostility and division on the physical plane.

If you walked into a room full of people high on acid and said loudly, “There’s an evil demon coming for you,” fear would shoot through the room. This is what’s happening now.

Consider the feeling when people raise their “mask” (plastic trash or bandanna) up over their face when they pass you on the street, and lower it once they have walked by.

That is friendly compared to banning your mother from holiday dinner because she won’t take a mystery government injection with a death toll worse than the Vietnam War. These are social issues, not medical ones.

Many people are now terrified of breathing, and of people who like to breathe. Check out the Air Ring Wearable Air Purifier. Breathing was never such an elite activity!

Next week it could be mandatory birth control, antidepressants, antibiotics, or some other mystery drug (nobody actually knows all the ingredients of any vaccine except the manufacturers). And once we are there, we are all slaves for life, if you call that living.

Come to Moses

Why we Must Come to Moses

As someone with a primarily scientific orientation, I am reluctant to call any astrology “important.” Yet Pluto in Aquarius qualifies as something with a message that we must heed or otherwise face personal and collective consequences that most people do not understand at this time.

These involve two things which are really one: social patterns, and the imposition of technology upon us. Aquarius is about electricity, and we now live in an entirely electrical society. We also live in a digital society. The patterns of our lives are now all but dictated by cellular technology. The “net” or the “web” now encompasses everything.

We will soon be living under Pluto in Aquarius, which is approaching like a black hole. We are well into the Great Reset (though it is not yet complete) and entering something called the 4th Industrial Revolution, Agenda 2030, and a diversity of other names designed to confuse you and disarm your intellect.

Part of this project is universal “vaccination” and various forms of the “Green Pass” or “vaccine passport.” Some places call this living in a “smart city.” This is the thing that will only let you into places you could previously go. Who decides the qualifications for what makes your Green Pass flash green? Not you, that’s for sure. You may think the “covid” vaccine is a fantastic idea even though the federal government admits it has killed 22,000 people (multiply by at least 40 for the real number).

Now they are talking about making the injection of six-months old mandatory for a claimed infection that we know with absolute certainty does not affect children. Perhaps you think that is OK.

Next week it could be mandatory birth control, antidepressants, antibiotics, or some other mystery drug. Nobody actually knows all the ingredients or true effects of any vaccine except the manufacturers. And now it is being connected to existence via the “digital identity.” Once we are there, we are all slaves for life, if you call that living.

Let my people go.


Eric signature

Guest writer: read an interpretation of the current astrology with references totarot and other modalities by Elizabeth Shepherd.

Note to Readers: I have covered the Aquarian theme of technology and its influences many times, though most recently in the articles Who Are You? and They were Barefoot in Babylon. I began the discussion in 2016 with the article Uranus, Eris and the Riddle of the Internet, from back when we were trying to figure out how Donald Trump was careering toward the Unites States presidency. I devoted an entire chapter of Aquarian Era, Aquarian Age to the theme of the relationship between humans and technology, which is now at the stage of transhumanism.

2 thoughts on “Our Come to Moses Moment”

  1. I really resonant with the idea of a “little thawing out”… on both sides of the discussion of this pandemic. Those little faces with the masks, and the joy vibrating within their eyes, is a balm for me and a reminder of the resilience of our species, our nervous systems and the role and influence of people who choose to be positive limbic resonators.

    I know we can’t see their smiles…but I sure can feel them.

    Thank you for sharing that photo Eric….and to whomever captured it.

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