The Chart — Described in the Podcast Above
Dear Friend and Reader:
I’m including the main chart I’m using — posted below. The lunar eclipse in Taurus comes into some of the readings, but mostly this set is based on the solar eclipse chart. I’m also preparing you for Pluto entering Aquarius in January.
Please enter any questions in the comments.
Someone may be showing you something about yourself right now, and it may even seem confrontational. Yet if you take the message and understand that this experience is a mirror, you will be much happier.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — We’re all on a quest for wholeness and sanity. Yet how can you seek those things in another unless you can find them in yourself? The fact of a relationship is no assurance of healing, awareness, or growth. It’s merely a place where these things might happen. Yet way too much emphasis is placed on relationships as a forum for self-improvement, or a place to seek the completion of a seemingly incomplete self — “my better half,” and all. It’s assumed this is what relationships are for. And it is no wonder that they are often so unstable, and then attorneys get involved. Someone may be showing you something about yourself right now, and it may even seem confrontational. Yet if you take the message and understand that this experience is a mirror, you will be much happier. This involves taking responsibility for yourself, your actions and your feelings. See if you can identify your projections: what you attribute to someone else that’s really your emotional and psychic property. Given recent alignments between planets in Aries and your opposite sign Libra, this has never been easier — even if it seems difficult. You don’t need to claim yourself incrementally; you’ve been doing that. Go the rest of the way in one jump, taking right, title and interest over yourself and your affairs.
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As we approach a solar eclipse in the health and wellness angle of your chart, now is the time to make changes you may have previously thought impossible. That includes everything you’ve tried so far that did not quite work. The key to making changes is to stay within your aesthetics.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s been said that the body keeps the score. So too do the senses. Make sure you stop and notice the psychic and emotional conditions that linger behind any physical ailments you experience. How your body feels is really your mind speaking to you. You’re one integrated, sophisticated critter. As we approach a solar eclipse in the health and wellness angle of your chart, now is the time to make changes you may have previously thought impossible. That includes everything you’ve tried so far that did not quite work. The key to making changes is to stay within your aesthetics. For example, if you are going to change your diet, it’s not just about shifting away from what you decide is not good for you. You must move decidedly in the direction of what you like — and is good for you. One last thing: there is a deep necessity for those of the Taurus ilk to work in a beautiful place. While it’s unlikely that you could stand being in a cubicle for more than 15 minutes and are probably not in one now, you will improve your life greatly by beautifying your workspace. Get some boxes and declutter. Move things around till you find the perfect configuration. Where you work must be a place that you want to go, and love being.
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This month the cosmos will make a lasting impression on you, and guide you in the direction of daring yourself to be bold and edgy. You are very fortunate that the 5th house from Gemini is Libra, which is like having a volcanic well of originality.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There should be more of a discussion about what constitutes “self-expression.” It’s not just talking on the phone, or sharing memes — no matter how innovative they may be. The thing to notice with any activity is your sense of risk. If something feels daring, it’s creative. If you’re making art in any form and you have the rush of potential embarrassment, that suggests creative flow. If you’re writing and think you’re going to get arrested for sedition, or that everyone will hate you, that suggests actual creativity. If you’re painting and you feel your psyche shift every time your paint touches the canvas, that strongly implies that you’re making art. This month the cosmos will make a lasting impression on you, and guide you in the direction of daring yourself to be bold and edgy. You are very fortunate that the 5th house from Gemini is Libra, which is like having a volcanic well of originality. The sky opens up with a solar eclipse mid-month, and that will help you tap into what may be your most precious resource. Exactly as this happens, your ruling planet Mercury lines up with Chiron. Remember that the purpose of art is not to produce a product; it is a healing process. Often this will be the expression of your most wounded place, with beauty in some form being the result of encountering your pain. This is a true gift.
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While yours is the sign of home, you tend to be easy to encroach on. Yet the time is right to do some spiritual homesteading, and expand your reach and your control over the spaces that you inhabit. This is symbolic of something else, which is your emotional independence within your relationships.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You must make room for yourself in your home. It’s too often true that the space you work for and support can leave you feeling squeezed out. This is partly due to your innate commitment to caring for and sharing with others. While yours is the sign of home, you tend to be easy to encroach on. Yet the time is right to do some spiritual homesteading, and expand your reach and your control over the spaces that you inhabit. This is symbolic of something else, which is your emotional independence within your relationships. It is likely that a driving force of your space rearrangement will be shifts in your patterns of communicating with others, bringing them closer to your own terms. Yet you must understand what you need, and what you want, and not be afraid to lay down your bottom line. Yes, you want to maintain balance, though you don’t often get it — it so frequently leans away from you. The forthcoming solar eclipse in Libra, and longer-term matters related to Pluto entering Aquarius, say that you must be able to stand up to all of your relationships. That means holding your ground with your family — or when necessary, ending the discussion. While you are a kind of collectivist, and you believe in consensus, that rarely works in your favor. This is the chapter of your life that’s ending so a new one may begin.
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In a word, the Oct. 14 eclipse is calling on you to simplify — and to beautify. One way to shift your mental environment is to bring an aesthetic quality to everything. Stop long enough to make it beautiful — whatever it may be.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mental pressure has been building for a while, and you need to let some of it off. Even if this feels like it’s from outside you, it’s internal. You may feel like being busy, yet inefficient; pressured for time, and never completing things on schedule. The forthcoming solar eclipse in Libra (your solar 3rd house, associated with mental activity and state of mind) will help you make some adjustments, or rather, conditions will shift such that you must adjust. Re-balancing is involved, and shifting things to the other side: for example, scrapping your whole schedule and starting from the bare bones of necessity. You will discover that much of what you thought you had to do was unnecessary. Being busy is not the same thing as being productive, a fact that many young people have yet to discover. As part of a 3rd house reevaluation, notice the inputs you must respond to from hour to hour. It’s ridiculous, especially given that we all did fine with an answering machine, mail being delivered once a day, and bumping into people in the park. In a word, the Oct. 14 eclipse is calling on you to simplify — and to beautify. One way to shift your mental environment is to bring an aesthetic quality to everything. Stop long enough to make it beautiful — whatever it may be.
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You may also notice that the motive to make money has led to much complexity in the past, and this is a time when you need to simplify, in order to do some exceedingly important personal work. Part of that may be sorting out your finances from those of someone else.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s nothing like motivation to help you get your finances in order. This may be the drive to acquire, or the need for order. I suggest you tap into your frugal nature and your love of organization. Those will motivate you plenty. You may also notice that the motive to make money has led to much complexity in the past, and this is a time when you need to simplify, in order to do some exceedingly important personal work. Part of that may be sorting out your finances from those of someone else. That could mean making sure your bank account contains your own money, and also ensuring that nobody else has access to your funds. This will include a program of eliminating the infringement of any of your resources, your time, your space, your sense of self, and your talent. This is not about ‘being selfish’ but rather the recognition that what is yours, is yours to allocate by free choice, not because someone else perceives that they have an entitlement to you or something about you. Generosity requires restraint. To be of service means you must have something to offer. We are in extremely confused times when it comes to what is yours and what belongs to someone else. Accounting for anything you have, or take, that you don’t pay for, will be eye-opening.
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Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for instant access.
Right now, force seems to be the solution to everything, but it’s nothing of the kind. It’s really a trap. So ease on through situations, using careful planning and evaluation of the facts; they are on your side, but not if you don’t notice them, and not if you don’t use them wisely.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Be careful of the temptation to force any situation, while trusting that you will work it out. Beware of any drive to get your way that rises from below. These things are going to be present as Mars makes contact with Pluto and stokes your need for power. In New Age terms, you’re working through some root chakra issues, and for the next few weeks will be easily triggered into fight-or-flight mode. Right now, force seems to be the solution to everything, but it’s nothing of the kind. It’s really a trap. So ease on through situations, using careful planning and evaluation of the facts; they are on your side, but not if you don’t notice them, and not if you don’t use them wisely. The same planetary pattern is here to teach you how to gain influence over the affairs of your life. It’s granting you plenty of leverage in this endeavor, too. Yet the criteria remain the same: the use of strategic planning, using leverage where needed, and applying no force. Since hardly anyone lives in the physical world anymore, the notion of leverage is not really understood. A pulley system uses leverage to make things seem lighter; shifting a bicycle into low gear enhances leverage; having knowledge and good timing provides leverage in the mental world. Ideas are leverage; listen to yourself, and inquire of those who know more than you do.
You might say that to understand is the opposite of overlook. ‘Under’ really means among, therefore, to stand among your feelings, rather than to bypass. Admit that there are qualities of yourself that you don’t understand, and may have denied.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The time has come to understand your anxiety. That means not living with it as if it were a given, but rather noticing how your mind and feelings work – and asking the right questions. You might say that to understand is the opposite of overlook. ‘Under’ really means among, therefore, to stand among your feelings, rather than to bypass. Admit that there are qualities of yourself that you don’t understand, and may have denied. It will help to admit that in our time, feeling is considered a waste of energy and source of possible disturbance. However, if I may be so bold as to say, you need to comprehend yourself better. There are things you take for granted, and take as entitlements, that call for careful evaluation. In fact, others do understand you, and if they do, and you do not, you will be subject to their will and their intentions. Continuing to riff on the notion of ‘understand’, it also means to be close to, and in the presence of; and in reality, we are not talking about feelings in some abstract sense but rather, working with who you are, how you feel and what you want. Your contradictions are not yours to hold against yourself or others, but rather an invitation to inner dialog. Simply put, you don’t need to be afraid of yourself.
Your chart is set up for service, and leans toward conservative in matters of finance. It makes more sense to use modest resources wisely than it does to waste abundant resources.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You almost always underestimate your talent, but the answer is not thinking you’re so great. That does not work for you. What works is figuring out how to be useful to others, which is how your personal gifts get their value. We live in a time when people are famous because they are famous, and are rich for the sake of being rich — with no value delivered to anyone. There is no service coming from most of the world’s “most valuable” people, and this represents a serious deficit; something missing; a sin. Your chart is set up for service, and leans toward conservative in matters of finance. It makes more sense to use modest resources wisely than it does to waste abundant resources. You’re also capable of being patient, at times too much so. You’re developing something that is truly meaningful, and helpful. I suggest that you set a timeline with the moment of launch or fruition being approximately April 20. You could stretch that a month, but the time to aim your story arc for is mid-spring 2024. This could be anything from a job search to a business launch to an art project. Really, it’s much more — there is a personal reassessment involved, and this includes a re-valuing of your self-worth and also your value as a contributor to the world around you.
The potential of the next couple of years is so immense that you want no obstructions, or any avoidable hangovers from the past. Something is about to unfold in your life in a way that you’ve never even imagined, and provide you with concentrated energy in the process.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pluto in your sign returns to direct motion on Oct. 10, and this is a bell going off encouraging you to complete old business and get ready to move on. Pluto will spend a bit more than three months on its way into the next Aquarius ingress; that’s your timeline. I suggest that at this stage, you choose the most difficult tasks and tackle them first; that would include anything that has persisted this long and simply must be resolved or completed. The planets may be describing one particular thing, and if so, you will know what it is. The potential of the next couple of years is so immense that you want no obstructions, or any avoidable hangovers from the past. Something is about to unfold in your life in a way that you’ve never even imagined, and provide you with concentrated energy in the process. While that particular set of developments can only be foreseen in general terms at this time, the thing you can do for the greatest advantage is also that which is done the very least in this world, and that is come to closure on important lingering business. The world is the way it is because people drag along their regrets, and all kinds of injuries and what-might-have-beens. Give yourself an incentive to do what so few people succeed at, which is pointing yourself toward a future better than the past.
You are undergoing an initiation, the kind that occurs far less than ‘once in a lifetime’ — we are talking about more like once every three or four lifetimes. It’s that important, calling on you to access all of your past self-understanding — and then very likely, to let it all go.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your sense that it’s now or never is likely to increase as Pluto returns to direct motion on Oct. 10. When it does, it will begin another stage in your process of cracking through all that you deny about yourself. The theme of this next stage, which lasts until Pluto reaches your sign for the second of three arrivals on Jan. 20, is about total disclosure to yourself. I’m describing a place in the chart called the 12th house, which is a place so secretive it amounts to where you conceal information and feelings from yourself. Over the past 15 years of Pluto in Capricorn, you’ve learned the value of what I’ll call reflexive self-disclosure. You will have access to the most potent sources: dream activity, what you learn in therapy, what comes in from ancestral sources, and if this is for you, the highly focused use of substances that tap your unconscious. Yet you must listen to yourself, and what your psyche is telling you. You need this information, and you have a tendency to not be so interested in what it reveals about what lives in the darker corners of consciousness; other dimensions, sexual material is inevitably involved. You are undergoing an initiation, the kind that occurs far less than ‘once in a lifetime’ — we are talking about more like once every three or four lifetimes. It’s that important, calling on you to access all of your past self-understanding — and then very likely, to let it all go.
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There has been a boundless quality to events of the past ten years, and it’s been difficult for you to keep a handle on yourself and your affairs. The answer to this situation is found in Saturn, now in your birth sign. It has arrived not a day too soon, and in truth just in time — if you get its message.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The theme of this time in your life is self-discipline. If I’ve said this several times, I will add that it cannot be said enough, nor can it be practiced enough. There has been a boundless quality to events of the past ten years, and it’s been difficult for you to keep a handle on yourself and your affairs. The answer to this situation is found in Saturn, now in your birth sign. It has arrived not a day too soon, and in truth just in time — if you get its message. Work with containment, limitation, reduction, distinct boundary lines, clear language and most of all, the power of NO. This may seem awkward, impossible or extreme, but it’s none of those things: it’s basic as the brake pedal to the function of a car, and also the emergency brake (which hardly anyone knows what to do with). You’re not giving up anything you actually need, nor that you actually want. You may not think so at first, however, if you examine history honestly, you will see the problems that everything you thought you wanted caused. One thing you will be removing is obstacles that have stood in your path. Be scrupulously honest with yourself about who and what those are. You will not miss any of this; Saturn always gives more than you imagine it takes away.
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