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Libra is the sign of beauty. Let’s get that out of the way. There are other sign energies that contribute and most of them are related to Libra (for example, Taurus and Pisces, both signs strongly associated with the Venus principle, would verge on irrelevant if not for their connection to beauty, though they have other equally important themes).

Libra, however, is where beauty is expressed as elegance, as active intelligence, as the principle of balance, and — lest we forget the obvious — the principle and the reality of justice.
Few things are uglier to you than injustice, and there is quite a bit of it in the world that is confronting us now. For you, beauty also comprises and encompasses intelligence.
You do not value shrewdness or cleverness or theoretical knowledge as much as you value full-spectrum perception of the world, supported by intuition, what some call emotional intelligence, and a linguistic and rational framework where there is a basis in reality, or what some call common sense.
Something is intelligent if it is explainable and also if it works on several levels — for example, mental and emotional — and also if it possesses an aesthetic quality. While there are ‘ugly truths’, they are at least subject to reason and comprehensible expression.
One basis of deception is false reasoning, of which we are experiencing a global outbreak. We are in tough times for those who value logic, clear language and honest thought.
Introducing Logos: Language, Logic and Reasoning
Let’s begin with a planet I have not described yet in this series of readings, which is in your sign between 2015 and 2039 — nearly the entire Aquarian Era: and it is called Logos. Discovered using the Hubble Space Telescope in 1997, Logos is an object that orbits our Sun beyond Pluto. Logos is a concept passed on from ancient Greek culture through the Gnostic tradition.
Today, you are being summoned to rise, by being its incarnation and representative.
Because it’s been used so many ways by so many traditions (particularly by the Christians), who have obscured its true meaning and stuffed it with religiosity, the notion of logos is often lost or forgotten. Yet it is central to the Western concept of reality, of law, of commerce and nearly all communication and reasoning. Logos is the root of the word logic, which is the study of true versus false reasoning.
One basis of deception is false reasoning, of which we are experiencing a global outbreak. We are in tough times for those who value logic, clear language and honest thought. Logos is associated with the following concepts and ideas, and the lack of honoring logos spreads its way into all of them.
To honor logos takes work, including acquiring knowledge and actually using it. If we go before Greek into the Proto-Indo-European root, it means “to collect, gather,” and also “to speak.” We might infer that you can only speak of what you have gathered (and this is an interesting pun on the figure of speech, I gather, meaning, it would seem from what I’m observing).
We now live in the moment of, “If I think it’s true then it is,” or, “If it sounds good, then it must be true.” This is related to “If it upsets me or my concept of reality it must be false,” and its twin sibling, “What placates me is true.” Lord, save us from our comfort zones.
Its opposites would be to scatter or obscure, and to speak falsely: to lie. To you, a beautiful lie is worse than an ugly truth. Beauty on the deepest level is what is actually real and demonstrably true. You can think of logos as the frame of reference without which it would be impossible to distinguish truth from falsehood, in any valid sense of those concepts. It is also subject to counterfeit (logical fallacy), and part of what we are enduring in our day is the removal of this concept of fallacy from our lexicon.
We now live in the moment of, “If I think it’s true then it is,” or, “If it sounds good, then it must be true.” This is related to “If it upsets me or my concept of reality it must be false,” and its twin sibling, “What placates me is true.” Lord, save us from our comfort zones. Bear in mind that the planet Logos is with you for the long-haul — even most of the way through Pluto in Aquarius (2023-2044, please see the reading for Cancer for more details).
We live in the age of what satirist J.P. Sears calls “the conspiracy theory known as a chronology,” with the word logos built right into chronology. The state of logic is so horrid that if someone dares to use it, they can be labeled a fraud. This is because logic in all of its forms, including authentic science, is designed to go deeper than appearances, and deeper than perception, using a special tool.
This is a time in your life when the difference between truth and falsehood is the essence of your spiritual path and your personal growth journey. Everything comes back to your reasoning process, and how you determine what is true for you and what is not; and how you determine what is true generally, and what is not. Logos goes beyond personal truth; it’s a point of alignment between you and existence.
While Aquarius might not seem like the ideal kind of energy to create art, the stunning talent of many Libra artists is a testament to its potential and durability.
A Time of Creative Transition, Rebirth and Transformation
We are now in the Aquarian Era, a transitional time leading into the much longer Age of Aquarius. I describe this in detail and at length in the Cancer chapter, which is the reference reading for this series.
Aquarius is your 5th place (house, whole sign house, solar house — all with the same basic meaning). While all of the houses offer creative opportunity, the 5th is the one devoted specifically to that theme. It is your personal art box. While Aquarius might not seem like the ideal kind of energy to create art, the stunning talent of many Libra artists is a testament to its potential and durability.
Presently, Saturn is in Aquarius through March 2023, Jupiter is dancing back and forth between Aquarius and Pisces till mid-2022, and Pluto is on its way into Aquarius. Pluto will slowly shuffle between Capricorn and Aquarius well into 2023, and then your 5th place will be under the influence of this tectonic force for two decades — through 2044 — so this is a time of tremendous creative potential for what is inherently one of the most creative signs.
Saturn working its way through your 5th house affairs is urging you to get a grasp on the element of your consciousness that creates not just art but your existence.
Longtime Planet Waves artist Charlie Lemay describes the feeling of the 5th place in a few words: “The universe is a bunch of energy doing what it does, despite the narrative we create to explain our experience. We change, we get more creative based on our measure of love versus fear. Enjoying the creative process is the best option.” The meta theme of the 5th is pleasure — the kind that children experience.
There is also a risk involved: the 5th covers gambling and speculation, and to indulge in both art and love have the feeling of a game you might win or that you might lose. But you don’t know until you take the chance. If creativity, passion, art and sex feel risky, be aware that there are risks taken by proceeding in either direction as well, including the risk of a drab and boring life. This suits some people.
Saturn, however, is describing a level of necessity. Saturn makes sure the job gets done. It also represents what many people fear the most, as it demands taking authority over your affairs wherever it may go. Saturn working its way through your 5th house affairs is urging you to get a grasp on the element of your consciousness that creates not just art but your existence. There are other transits that have a similar theme, which I will come to — one of which is Chiron and Salacia in your 7th place in Aries, and Uranus in the 8th place in Taurus.
David Roell, one of my astrology teachers of yore said, “You know the Age of Aquarius was underway as soon as art no longer needed to be beautiful,” which he placed as the beginning of the Modern era in the late 19th or early 20th centuries.
The Connection Between Intelligence and Beauty
The connection between intelligence and beauty manifests for you as a feature of your solar chart, meaning the chart for Libra itself rather than any specific person. This is described by having Aquarius on the 5th house of artistic expression. There is a potential contradiction here in that Aquarius is not about any classical notion of beauty.
David Roell, one of my astrology teachers of yore said, “You know the Age of Aquarius was underway as soon as art no longer needed to be beautiful,” which he placed as the beginning of the Modern era in the late 19th or early 20th centuries.
However, beauty and ugliness are relative to their times; they are context specific. We can take David’s idea other ways, including many works that we do see as beautiful: that of Vincent Van Gogh, for instance. Modernism is a release from realism. The camera (a 19th century development) could create something that looked like the thing it represented, so painters no longer had to do that. In terms of logic, modernism is best judged by the internal sensibility that a work of art offers. The writing of modern poet T.S. Eliot may lack the predictable structure of romantic poets, though it is certainly beautiful. Or take this 14-word masterpiece by Ezra Pound, called, “In a Station of the Metro,” written in 1912:
The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.
Note, this started as a poem of 30 lines and was reduced to just two, and is one of the most memorable and competent poems of the Modernist era. You might call it the first tweet. That does not diminish its beauty. This is pure imagism, a form perfected by Pound’s protégé, the poet H.D.
Aquarius is changing our concepts of beauty and our relationship to it. It is also the primary sign of electrical technology. (Aries is also associated, through the impact of that technology on individual consciousness and sense of self.) This is to suggest that you are likely to be exploring and expressing your concepts of beauty through digital technology.
Digital has created a dull, listless haze for most: a sense of detachment and irrelevance (including of truth). It has flattened out the world. Yet you must thrive in this environment, because it’s where you are, and it’s your creative medium. For you it’s about staying connected and sensitive and human — and refusing to cut yourself off or numb out. In this sense, you are serving as both a probe into your environment, and a pioneer of new concepts and expressions of beauty. This will be how you survive these times, and how you thrive in them as well.
Waking up is hard to do. It is painful. And there are many opportunities and social mandates to stay asleep.
We are witnessing a lot of ugliness manifest through Aquarius right now. Aquarius is the sign of pattern formation, and the tribalism, group-think and absurd peer pressure to be irrational are all associated with this. You might wonder what this is about; you might wonder how people could be so stupid as to think that “science” is placing incense on the effigy of a “scientist.” The answer is numbness. The stupidity of our times is about people being in a haze or stupor.
Waking up is hard to do. It is painful. And there are many opportunities and social mandates to stay asleep. Yet you do not have much choice in the matter of whether you wake up; you will not be happy unless you do. This is not Prozac happy but rather what comes from the satisfaction of engaging your active intelligence (borrowing from Alice Bailey’s description of the 3rd Ray of Deity associated with both your sign and Gemini).
Aquarius is about order and organization. Events in Aquarius can develop rapidly, such as the sudden frosting of the world by digital technology. (On the commercial level, this was one transit — Uranus in Aquarius from 1995 through 2003.)
Now you have Saturn here and will through early 2023. This will have many effects, including driving you to honor your creative and self-creative process, as well as to clear out the hidden karma associated with the 5th place. The 5th has the quality of pleasure, and Saturn here is regarded by many astrologers as not so much fun. However, they are probably not talking about the awesome focusing power of Saturn in Aquarius.
One of the qualities of the 5th is that what happens there starts as one thing and then becomes another. This is the creative process.
It can be more sublime than a mile-thick glacier of digital technology. You may think of Aquarius as providing a theoretical framework for what you know. Then your knowledge must rise above and beyond its foundations. The theory is not the creative expression, though it’s what holds it together. Think of Aquarius as providing the mathematical formulations that underlie a work of architecture. The numbers may not be beautiful to most people, though they can represent proportions that make a structure pleasing. They can also represent the facts of engineering that ensure the building will stay up for a while, including in a stiff wind.
The ultimate question of Aquarius is what it means to be human. And I think few would object that one such property is the desire to create for the sake of creation, and the ability to work with thought in an elegant and creative way.
It is my perspective that the vast majority of the karma we carry — three quarters or more — is not individual karma; it is family karma.
The Continuing Story of Staying Human: Your Relationships. Let’s Start With Family.
The central spiritual quest of the Aquarian Era is to remain human. “Spirituality” has never been so simple — or so complicated. At least we can sum it up in fewer words
This section of your reading brings together several places (houses), though the discussion of your relationships, partnerships and sexual life focuses on the 7th and 8th — the essential houses of partnership. Yet your 4th place, which is about family and security, enters the picture, seemingly by accident.
So let’s start there, intentionally. Many of your current transits link back to long-term placements in Capricorn, your 4th place. This is about whether you feel secure and accepted, right down to how you feel in your home environment. The 4th is about family, with the image of the old homestead, the farm, and the four walls that surround you. Typically, it will relate to the father’s lineage or estate, though it’s necessary to check it against the 10th (that would be Cancer) and its various planets and transits. For now, we will find out what we need from the 4th. Here is my interpretation.
When you consider your personal spiritual evolution (which I am describing as represented by Logos, for our purposes), and your relationships (Chiron and Salacia in Aries, your 7th place), it’s easy for your security issues to be triggered. This is barely about you. It goes back so far, so long and so deep as to be inconceivable.
It is my perspective that the vast majority of the karma we carry — three quarters or more — is not individual karma; it is family karma. It’s not yours; it’s either the group property of you and the people around you, or it has nothing at all to do with you. Except for the part about how, when triggered, your most fundamental matters of whether you feel safe on the planet and in your home are stirred up.
Collective karma is a tremendously important and misunderstood issue. It can rise up with such force that it can seize your life. So you need a way to regulate this, and that starts with awareness.
Capricorn itself takes things way back to antiquity without any help. You depend on the feeling of contact and tradition as your foundation, though for many recent years this has been repeatedly shaken up (and continues to be). Now in more recent years, it’s like a geyser of influences from the past have opened up, and they take you in stages back to both your family origins, your tribal origins (meaning your nationality) and deep into the struggles humanity has faced for its entire existence, so far as we know.
There are no easy solutions, though I can tell you three things: access to the crisis level of these influences also gives you access to ancestral power. Yet this must be used with impeccable care and caution — if at all. Collective karma is a tremendously important and misunderstood issue. It can rise up with such force that it can seize your life. So you need a way to regulate this, and that starts with awareness.
The second thing is that you must understand the relationship of your immediate family — three generations beyond yourself — and alcohol abuse. Once you map this out, you will see a pattern and have more influence over your own affairs. If you decide that you have an alcohol issue, or other substance abuse issue, to address this is to address some deep karma that goes well beyond yourself and must be treated that way.
If we are talking about regulation and also not creating more karma but rather either resolving the old stuff or divorcing yourself from it, that requires that you have both awareness of how you feel, and emotional control, and that is precisely what alcohol interferes with.
Referencing back to the above discussion about Aquarius, that too is a sign related to family, as the family is the first group. However, you have the ability to work this territory indirectly, through creative expression, rather than drilling into the root, as tends to happen when you address it through Capricorn.
I suggest you be vigilant against any and all arguments for your own powerlessness, made by you or anyone else. I suggest applying the same caution to anything that seems to be a “moral issue,” particularly when applied to one sex or the other.
The third item is that matters seemingly unrelated to this deep family karma can trigger it, though you may not recognize it at the time. It may take on a more immediate concern or drama, or the tint of something else entirely. When that happens you will feel like you’ve got a problem that you cannot solve — some kind of impossible situation. It is then that you must go deeper, and tune into what is coming up from the ground.
One last point. I suggest you go easy on theories related to gender power imbalance and patriarchy. In your environment, women have plenty of power. That is not the issue, certainly not for you now. A much more useful analysis involves being observant about kindness and cruelty. Study the intentions behind actions, and the results. Sadly, in the matters of lineage that we are discussing here, there is quite a bit of cruelty bubbling up from below you and beyond you, and that is something that can only be addressed by commitment to kindness and love. There is no other way: that is the way.
When relationship material becomes a matter of power, this is easy to forget. I suggest you be vigilant against any and all arguments for your own powerlessness, made by you or anyone else. I suggest applying the same caution to anything that seems to be a “moral issue,” particularly when applied to one sex or the other. Various traditions accuse one or the other sex as being inherently more immoral than the other, and this tends to sway with the generations and the centuries. It is dangerous territory, and the arguments and the claims of what is a “fact” are all irrelevant.
Start from the premise: “We are equal beings and the universe is our relationships with one another.” Return to that any time you are in doubt or fear, particularly where another person is involved, and especially around questions of seeming morality and power.
Every person on the planet knows they need sexual healing; few know where to seek such a thing, and even the very concept is considered taboo.
Chiron and Salacia in Aries
Let’s take the two relationship houses as one scenario with several elements: places 7 (Aries) and 8 (Taurus). Both are under simultaneous long-term Aquarian Era transits. The current configuration started taking shape in 2018, when it’s likely that much in your life began to shift and even shift radically. The spring of that year may stand as a “before and after moment,” which happen from time to time, associated with astrological events and corresponding life events. This could be the subject of a book; in this reading we get a section, and suggest you look for clues in the readings for the two signs involved.
Aries is your sign of direct partnerships. Libra is often considered the “sign of relationship.” Where you have Aries in your chart describes where you seek yourself, and with Aries in the 7th, this describes the emphasis on relationship experiences. This can come so naturally as to be “unconscious” or more accurately, it can stand as a feature of your environment that often lurks below the level of full awareness. It tends to disappear; it’s just what you do.
However, when you add Chiron to this equation, this is like putting a probe in the environment that increases your awareness and sensitivity. Typically this comes through intensification, as well as through crisis of some kind. That crisis will compel you to act on your situation, preferably in such a way that moves you to seek healing as a conscious act. This cannot always come through the relationship partner; you will need someone more objective.
Chiron is going to bring many things to the surface in its remaining five or so years in Aries, as it has done for the previous three. There is no way to deny what Chiron points out when placed so prominently.
There are several possible approaches to healing in the realm where ideas meet feelings meet words. One is an analytical approach; another is to make choices to live the way you want, see what happens and address the results (or sometimes, the aftermath).
Along with Chiron is Salacia. This is an ultra-slow-mover located beyond the orbit of Pluto. It addresses matters of sexual appropriateness and when working in concert with Chiron, sexual healing in relationships. Every person on the planet knows they need sexual healing; few know where to seek such a thing, and even the very concept is considered taboo. Therefore, the beat goes on: the same relationship cycles, the same crises repeat seemingly endlessly.
But why exactly is that? We have a clue in the discussion of Capricorn, above. Something much deeper is being triggered, which relates to matters of moralism, power, and the unfinished business mostly of other people. Some of it, however, is yours, and it will help if you figure out what part of it is. You will find it beneath any moralism and the power struggles. It will help you if you place your life in the context of your own past, and that of your family going back a few generations, so you may frame the issues.
Chiron and Salacia in Aries are suggesting a total reevaluation of your relationships, of your actual needs and desires for contact with others, and your need for healing. Ultimately this is about recognizing that all of your partners are healing partners, though there may be some who take a special role of healer, mentor or teacher.
There are several possible approaches to healing in the realm where ideas meet feelings meet words. One is an analytical approach; another is to make choices to live the way you want, see what happens and address the results (or sometimes, the aftermath). I would ask you: what specifically do you want or need to do that would help you feel safer, more grounded and more secure? Do you want to live alone or with others? Do you want more money? Do you need to make a break from your family, or be closer to them?
At a certain point the result of a theoretical understanding must be the making of decisions.
If your relationships are changing, it’s because you are changing.
Uranus in Taurus, Your 8th Place
Another long-term transit lasting through May 2026, Uranus in Taurus is a comment on the stability factor of your relationships. Various circumstances may be creating the sense of being unsettled in what were previously solid commitments. You are not the type to make too-fast decisions, so it’s likely that you have stuck with certain arrangements hoping that the situation will go back to normal.
If your relationships are changing, it’s because you are changing. Taurus is your 8th place, associated with commitments and exchanges. Taurus places material of substance in this house, that wants something solid to hold onto. Whatever is in the 8th is your medium of exchange, and Taurus is tangible, valuable stuff, beautiful and well-crafted. This is what you have to give and are open to receive.
You want your relationships to be based on solid mutual values. Do you feel this way about your exchanges?
Let’s add Uranus to the equation. Uranus can scramble up whatever it contacts. You are getting one message from Chiron and Salacia, to reevaluate your relationships. Both of these points lean toward reserved, respectful, and honoring of modesty. If they change the status quo, it’s through a kind of homeopathic approach. Eventually Chiron may emerge as radical shifts in awareness, though its approach is always gentle at first, enlisting your participation and involvement in your own healing process.
Uranus works differently: it can feel like getting struck by cosmic lightning. It can flip your entire reality. Taurus is about what is time-honored and Uranus does not give a toss about this whatsoever. Uranus exists entirely outside of time. It is the realm of pure energy. (Saturn is our chronological model of time, and Chiron is what grounds one into the other.)
To put it as simply as possible, Uranus in Taurus is urging you to be free and independent in your relationships. As far as sex is concerned, we are talking about Taurus, and the first sex of Taurus is masturbation — the ultimate erotic independence.
Getting to the point here, Uranus may be so radically shaking up your established values that you could decide you are anything at all, or that you want to try it out. For example, the most obvious factor could be wanting to open up your relationships and stage a revolution against the restrictions of monogamy. No matter how monogamous you may have been in the past, this could ignite you spontaneously, or reveal what you’ve been thinking for eons but were afraid to admit, reveal to your partner or try.
This could connect to any concept of sexuality, sexual identity or sexual or relational orientation. You may feel an overwhelming need to share your deepest secrets (which is called intimacy). You may wake up bisexual. You may question your gender identity. You may figure out who you always were. You may need to express the power that is surging through your body. All of this is natural, healthy and real. It may violate your previous moral codes, or MO for concentrating power, though that would seem to be much of the point.
With Uranus, there is always the theme of multiple people, which is to say, groups of any size (three or more). This is not as shocking as it seems to some.
We are talking about Taurus here. If you are having any of these thoughts or concepts running through your mind or body, now is the time to get them out of fantasy and ground them in the real world, the maculate world of emotions and bodies.
To put it as simply as possible, Uranus in Taurus is urging you to be free and independent in your relationships. As far as sex is concerned, we are talking about Taurus, and the first sex of Taurus is masturbation — the ultimate erotic independence.
I will remind you of this. The prevailing environment of our times decrees that freedom is dangerous and that to exercise personal choice is to risk losing control. We could discuss this for hours, though I would ask you to consider whether these notions are true for you.
In my growing-longer experience as an astrologer, the main reason people do not allow themselves to be free is the 8th house, and now you have Uranus there, turning this into a sexual, social and relational experiment.
Uranus in Taurus: Impact on Your Investments
Though this is a rather vast topic, it deserves a comment. There are two houses that relate to investment, the 5th (speculation, games of chance) and the 8th (solid investments, mutual investments, dowry, bride price, shared resources).
In my growing-longer experience as an astrologer, the main reason people do not allow themselves to be free is the 8th house, and now you have Uranus there, turning this into a sexual, social and relational experiment. It is also a financial experiment. My strong suggestion to you under this transit is that you have your own money. This way, your money is not based on whether someone in a sexual relationship approves of your values, your desires or your behavior. Those things are for you and you alone to decide.
Under the combined transit of Saturn in your 5th place and Uranus in your 8th place, you want to limit your potential losses and lean mostly toward conservative investments. If you have money to invest, I would suggest a two-thirds safer or cash position, and one-third speculative or riskier investments. This is a time when you could make significant money by investing, though whenever that is true, you could take a loss. So I am suggesting hedging your bets, and yet gambling enough on something interesting such that you can actually get a result that was worth the effort.
There are many images in the astrology; both Uranus and Aquarius describe groups. Keep that in mind, ultimately finances are a group activity. However, that said, you must make your own decisions based on your very best research, knowledge, experience and abilities.
Gemini is the sign “of two minds,” and that will surely apply to your spiritual path in this way, at minimum: life itself is the spiritual journey, that of interacting with others in any way whatsoever.
The Spiritual Puzzle
One of the more interesting things about the Libra solar chart is having Gemini in the 9th place. This is a kind of perfect image: the very first theme of Gemini is the mortal twin associated with the immortal twin. Here we have the essence of something that just about every spiritual tradition has wrestled with or devoted itself to.
Gemini is also the sign “of two minds,” and that will surely apply to your spiritual path in this way, at minimum: life itself is the spiritual journey, that of interacting with others in any way whatsoever. We are all at the center of our network, where we set the tone of the interactions with our own state of mind.
The other side of this is the “great journey,” of exploring the vast possibilities, the great texts, and the encounter with the important teachers (also emphasized by Chiron in Aries). You might call this the classical spiritual path, or the solo journey of being a seeker, initiate or aspirant. Yet this too is a wholly human act: that of wanting to know the nature of existence.
What all life has in common is the desire to live. This may be seen as survival, or as the drive and impulse to be aware, to self-actualize, to find meaning, to engage in meaningful participation.
You have been under a very longterm transit here, that of the centaur Asbolus. It has a 76-year orbital period and was discovered in 1995. As such it is one of the very first group of centaurs (Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo).
Asbolus from ancient Greek means carbon dust. Carbon is what all life based on Earth has in common. A substance with astonishing versatility, it makes up much of what we think of as the inanimate world as well. What all life has in common is the desire to live. This may be seen as survival, or as the drive and impulse to be aware, to self-actualize, to find meaning, to engage in meaningful participation.
This is all the stuff of the physical, maculate world of humans and critters. It is not some great cosmic thing: your spiritual life is about your movement through this world now. It extends into everyone you talk to, work with or relate to in anyway, down to the seemingly smallest and most routine transactions and contacts.
I would remind you of a fortune cookie I once got: Be resolutely what you are. Be humbly what you aspire to be.
Your Vocational Life in the Aquarian Age
This comes down to one word: dignity.
We could add another concept here. With Cancer in your 10th place, you must take care of the world; that is your essential vocation. There are countless and indeed limitless ways to do this, though that is your best and most dependable purpose. The key is making it work for you as well as it works for everyone else.
The sign Cancer is under no major transits now, not directly. It is under a couple of very interesting subtle ones that you’re unlikely to read about even if you do 100 Google searches.
As a point of background, anything associated with this sign will cycle. This means your career success runs in cycles. You’ve learned to deal with it. The gigs come and they go. You, however, remain the same competent and devoted person you always were. One of the first things you must do is study the cycles like a seafarer studies the tides and the weather patterns.
The most meaningful transit your 10th place is under is from a point called Kronos. This is like a super Saturn with a 521-year orbit. It does not exist in physical form: it is an idea. And that idea, in this context, is self-respect. Therefore, walk your full height. You have walked down enough roads to call yourself an artist, a writer, a woman, a man: whatever. I would remind you of a fortune cookie I once got: Be resolutely what you are. Be humbly what you aspire to be. And walk your full height despite anything. Be yourself, no matter what they say.
You have your options open. Your vocational life is a clear field. You can weave or invent yourself into anything, especially if you work with the transits I have described above: the forces that are transforming you and your life from every angle — other than your vocation, calling, career and reputation.
This is where you get free expression, where you get to experiment, and territory you can claim as wholly your own. It is yours and nobody else’s.