
David Martin being interviewed by Reiner Fullmich. Martin claims to be an expert on “intangible assets,” including patents. He is a celebrity on the Covid truth scene, though some are skeptical.

PCR expert Kevin McKernon responds to David Martin, taking apart his claims that viruses are patented | Added July 17

An interview of a man named David Martin by German consumer fraud attorney Reiner Fullmich is making the rounds — it seems to be the hot video of the week. Martin, who has become a major celebrity on the covid truth scene, claims to be a patent expert, and has offered the provocative view that you can find gene sequences and viruses related to Covid patented prior to the claimed pandemic.

Kevin McKernan, a PCR lab operator (unrelated to Covid) and trusted source, is disputing Martin on the patent issue. Keven is a coauthor of the Corman-Drosten retraction demand. He appeared on Planet Waves TV back in March. Though it is not directly related to the issue at hand (for sure, indirectly related), here is Eric’s interview with McKernan, so you can size him up for yourself.

WHO claims to seek limits on human gene-editing experiments, believes in equality for all | Added July 17

Editor’s Note: The World Health Organization (WHO) has driven the flawed response to the claimed “pandemic,” particularly by spreading the notion that there is one, and being the distributor of the fraudulent Corman-Drosten PCR assay. Then they do things to greenwash their image in tones of social justice. Their latest publicity move is to claim to seek limits on human gene editing experiments. Yes, the only limit would be a total ban. The panel also called on countries to ensure that beneficial forms of genetic alteration be shared equitably, as if this was a good thing. Related story: what is informed consent?efc

Read more in the New York Times (paywall):

Human gene editing is more complicated than this.

A committee of experts working with the World Health Organization on Monday called on the nations of the world to set stronger limits on powerful methods of human gene editing.

Their recommendations, made after two years of deliberation, aim to head off rogue science experiments with the human genome, and ensure that proper uses of gene-editing techniques are beneficial to the broader public, particularly people in developing countries, and not only the wealthy.

“I am very supportive,” said Dr. Leonard Zon, a gene therapy expert at Harvard University who was not a member of the committee, but called it a “thoughtful group.” Recent gene-editing results are “impressive,” he said, and the committee’s recommendations will be “very important for therapy in the future.”

The guidelines proposed by the W.H.O. committee were prompted in large part by the case of He Jiankui, a scientist in China who stunned the world in November 2018 when he announced he had altered the DNA of human embryos using CRISPR, a technique that allows precision editing of genes. Such alterations meant that any changes that occurred in the genes would be replicated in every cell of the embryo, including sperm and egg cells. And that meant that the alterations, even if they were deleterious instead of helpful, would arise not just in the babies born after gene editing but in every generation their DNA was passed on to.

Norwegian girl got bigger boobs after COVID vaccine; expert says it’s nothing to worry about | Added July 17

Editor’s Note: As the “covid vaccine” saga unfolds, it’s becoming clear that it — whatever it is, whatever is in the thing — is hormonally active. We see evidence of this in menstrual irregularities in younger and older women. And now, there is a report of a young woman’s breasts growing larger after she was injected. — efc

Read more from Sputnik News:

After the ongoing mass anti-COVID vaccination programmes were rolled out across the world, several reports emerged about an unusual side-effect.

Future child when C-19 vaccine is on the schedule
This is not the girl in the article! This photo is merely for humorous effect. However, we can look forward to the Covid-19 vaccines hitting the schedule for babies soon.

A 17-year-old girl from Oslo said she was in a “kind of crisis” after noticing a bizarre side-effect of the Pfizer shot she received a few weeks ago; her boobs got bigger.

Emma told fellow TikTokers that her bra size jumped up a notch and that as a result her breasts became pretty popular online.

According to local NRK broadcaster, which reported the news, she quickly learned that she was not alone – a lot of other women have apparently noticed a similar effect after taking the vaccine.

“When I saw that there were several on TikTok who had experienced the same thing, I searched for it online. Then I found a lot of articles from the USA,” she shared.

An expert told NRK that the side-effect may be connected to swollen lymph nodes – which are not an uncommon symptom of receiving the vaccine, which introduces an agent resembling a disease-causing microorganism to the body, triggering the production of antibodies.

Tennessee abandons vaccine outreach to minors — not just for COVID-19 | Added July 17

Read more from Tennessean:

The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails obtained by the Tennessean. If the health department must issue any information about vaccines, staff are instructed to strip the agency logo off the documents.

Rep. Scott Cepicky, R-Culleoka, holds up a print out of a Tennessee Department of Health Facebook post promoting vaccinations while questioning the agency.

The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property, despite holding at least one such event this month.

The decisions to end vaccine outreach and school events come directly from Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey, the internal report states.

Additionally, the health department will take steps to ensure it no longer sends postcards or other notices reminding teenagers to get their second dose of the coronavirus vaccines. Postcards will still be sent to adults, but teens will be excluded from the mailing list so the postcards are not “potentially interpreted as solicitation to minors,” the report states.

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Not a heavy lift.

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