Just these two events is a lot to pile up in the same place. Through this mini-era, the Sun will be conjunct Neptune, which is in itself potentially confusing in that sublime way. Venus is also conjunct Uranus (exciting, rebellious and a touch kinky) — a/k/a Aphrodite conjunct Prometheus. This is all a setup for where fantasy meets reality.
I have covered this weekend’s astrology, and through March, in the most recent Monday Morning edition for subscribers. Paywall currently off.
Here is a short recap of events. In summary, the Full Moon and Mercury direct occur within a few hours of one another. The Moon is full in the sign Virgo at 1:47 pm EDT on Monday, March 9. Note that Daylight Savings Time begins in the United States over the weekend. Mercury stations direct in Aquarius at 11:48 pm EDT later that same evening (Tuesday morning in Britain, Europe and Asia).
Just these two events is a lot to pile up in the same place. Through this mini-era, the Sun will be conjunct Neptune, which is in itself potentially confusing in that sublime way.
Be aware that Sun-Neptune, Moon-Neptune and Neptune angular (in ascendant, for example) can have an isolating feeling. Try not to get too caught in that. Take time within if you need it; make some space for social experience if you need it, preferably in person.
It’s likely that the coronavirus discussion will reach a peak of intensity prior to the Full Moon opposite Neptune, and then shift directions into next week.
One thing I’ve noticed is that “what happens during Mercury retrograde tends to stay in Mercury retrograde.” It can exist as a kind of separate reality (like so much we live with today). I’m not predicting we will get so lucky as to have the whole thing go away (as Pres. Trump has predicted), though I think it will be a different discussion.
So, get ready for a bunch of confusing, conflicting and potentially incorrect reports over the next few days. Then the Full Moon-Neptune wave will pass; and then let’s see if the “truth revealed” property of Mercury stationing direct has an influence or a notable correlation.
Ahead of both the Full Moon and Mercury direct is a spectacular little aspect, Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, or said another way, Aphrodite conjunct Prometheus. This is exciting, sexual, creative, curious, fun and potentially kinky. It’s the perfect aspect to have in the midst of a bunch of sea-change type events. The uncertainty and change associated with both the Full Moon and Mercury direct will provide an environment where some real experimentation is possible.
Thanks to a trine with Pholus, there will be lot of energy flowing through that Venus-Uranus conjunction. Make sure you know the gas from the brakes. And be aware that you will make different decisions when under the influence of alcohol or a substance (which counts under the influence of Neptune). Keep an eye on your mind map.