Monday, April 20, 2020 — The Day of Worldly Challenge | by Eric Francis
If today is your birthday: This will be a year of major beginnings, though you still have a little time before that gets underway. You would do well, however, to prepare the ground. Wrap up old business before taking on new commitments. Make a point of this. And then remember there is no rush. Yes, you may experiment, in the form of figuring out who you are by the actions that you take. Just leave yourself available to take on some major assignment much later in the year.
Daily Planets: The Moon entered Aries overnight Sunday to Monday, making its ingress at exactly 2 am EST. Moon conjunct Aries point may get a little rumble in the public realm, though the conjunction to Chiron Monday night is a reminder to see our worldly healing crisis for what it is.
There is something we all need to remember, and are no doubt being reminded of: on this planet, it’s necessary to take care of yourself. We have a lot of discussions about medical services being a right, and how to provide them to everyone and all of that.
Yet there is something far more important, which is the simply necessity to look after one’s well being. In our current version of the world that extols victims, it’s possible to be accused of “victim blaming” for saying: your health is your business. What you put into your body is your responsibility. What drugs you take or allow to be injected into you are something that you will have to face the consequences of.
Chiron offers access from either side of the equation. Those willing to figure out why they are in pain, whether physical or psychic, can tap into its wisdom. Those wishing to take control of their situation and participate in their healing are invited to do just that.
Where Chiron is concerned, two elements are essential: one is, do not be a afraid to stand out. This makes the second element possible: let your curiosity drive you. You cannot have enough. If you don’t know something, admit that — and then embark on your quest. You are responsible for what you know and don’t know — and for using what you know.
Monday, April 21, 2020 — The Day of Professional Commitment | by Eric Francis
If today is your birthday:
Daily Planets:
Tuesday, April 22, 2020 — The Day of Established Presence | by Eric Francis
If today is your birthday:
Daily Planets: