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Total Lunar Eclipse still ringing; Venus square Neptune and Pallas | Thursday, May 27
Today’s high profile aspect, aside from the still recent Total Lunar Eclipse, is Venus square Neptune at 3:25 pm EDT. The square in this instance comes with a caution: don’t be taken in by, or blinded by beauty. That can apply whether it’s the beauty of another person, or of a particular idea. Appearances, as they are today, may shift and reform as time goes on and this influence wanes.
That said, these conditions make for an increase in ‘magic’ — art, whimsy, the zest of life and the like. So by all means, lean into the creative, uplifting nature of whatever presents itself to you.
For most of the day, the Moon will be in Sagittarius, and will make contact with both Venus and Neptune making this aspect more palpable. Then, the Moon’s entrance into Capricorn at 10:23 pm will bring about a more sober perspective. Try not to take whatever happens too seriously, and enjoy the more positive side of all this while it lasts. — Spencer
Gemini Astrology Studio is ready! Click here to purchase; audio sample below.
The Gemini Sun, Moon and rising reading is now available. This is a 76 minute reading in the Astrology Studio series. You get Eric’s astrological observations and his distinct style of motivational speaking. Includes chart, extended written description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius | Wednesday, May 26
Today’s Total Lunar Eclipse takes place early in the morning at 7:14 am EDT. As Eric said in his Week Ahead podcast from yesterday, the nature of eclipses is to emphasize opposites. We are asked to stretch ourselves across the contradictions and paradoxes between whichever two signs may be involved.
In this instance, we are dealing with Gemini and Sagittarius. And, appropriately, the nature of Gemini is the integration of opposites and paradoxes. If this is all a little too meta, here’s a question to draw focus: what details in your life aren’t matching up with the big picture you have in mind? More importantly, even if there is a seeming disconnect here, how could one side of this equation (i.e. your every day versus your life’s vision) go on to fully serve the other? That is one way to view integration, is it not?
For more of a discussion on today’s eclipse, check out the Week Ahead podcast posted below. — Spencer
Moon enters Sagittarius; Mercury retrograde incoming | Tuesday, May 25
Throughout the day, the Moon will be making its last few contacts in Scorpio before transitioning into Sagittarius at 10:39 pm EDT. Meanwhile, Venus is building up to a square on Thursday, and Mercury will be stationing retrograde Saturday. In many ways it’s a busy week.
What presents itself today is the chance to get to the bottom of whatever previously opaque emotional matters have arisen that need to be dealt with. Put your imagination to use, alongside your personal power to effect change, and begin to devise a strategy to tie up loose ends that require your clarity of mind.
The Moon’s move into Sagittarius implies a shift in focus toward the bigger picture. That said, the big picture may seem to shift and slide to kaleidoscope effect in terms of both your relationship experiences, and your thoughts surrounding such situations. That’s why it will help to have matters figured out for yourself: you are your point of reference, and the more clear you are where you stand, the more surefooted you’ll feel in this shifting environment. — Spencer
Weekend Astrology Podcast by Eric Francis | Friday, May 21
Today’s Weekend Astrology Podcast with Eric Francis covers the Sun square Jupiter, Mercury square Neptune, and the Moon making its way into Libra as it moves toward the Full Moon eclipse next week. Additional details about the eclipse in Monday’s edition. Remember to tune in to Planet Waves FM Friday night at 10 pm ET. Music by Vision Quest.
Gemini Astrology Studio is ready! Click here to purchase; audio sample below.
The Gemini Sun, Moon and rising reading is now available. This is a 76 minute reading in the Astrology Studio series. You get Eric’s astrological observations and his distinct style of motivational speaking. Includes chart, extended written description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.
Sun square Jupiter; Moon enters Libra | Friday, May 21
Mercury’s building square to Neptune might leave you feeling as if the solutions to any pernicious dilemmas you’re facing are shrouded and out of reach, but the Sun’s square to Jupiter today ought to impart a little optimism into the equation.
The square occurs at 11:03 am EDT and, alongside a lifting of spirits, you might also come across some larger than life ideas that initially seem difficult to translate into tangible or easily communicated concepts — the caution comes in not acting on these ideas before their time.
The Moon’s entrance into Libra at 9:35 pm brings a little balance (Libra is the sign of the scales after all), and is followed by a trine to the Sun at 11:46 pm. Clear answers may still be forthcoming, but hope springs eternal. In the short term, try and reign things in at least until tonight, by which point there should be greater capacity to approach an increase in faith or optimism more evenhandedly. — Spencer
Sun enters Gemini; Mercury slowing down | Thursday, May 20
The day has arrived: the start of Gemini season kicks off today when the Sun ingresses the sign of the twins at 3:37 pm EDT. Eric’s most recent article explores Gemini in more detail here.
Gemini is about language, and the related 3rd house is about ideas, communication and siblings. The 3rd also represents one’s internal thought dynamics.
Currently the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is in Gemini. That said, Mercury is slowing down to station retrograde while also in a square to Neptune. So regarding all those aforementioned topics of ideas, communications, and internal thought dynamics: not only may they seem shrouded in a fog, but Mercury’s slowing speed implies a sluggishness as well.
The Moon’s current travel through Virgo is colored by this too (as Virgo is ruled by Mercury). In light of Gemini season beginning with the warping and bending of the mind, there’s something to be said about attempting to still your thoughts. Don’t try to think too hard or too fast — verify as much as you can, but relax any pressure you feel to organize your thoughts, and allow things to loosen up on their own.
On the other hand, if you can relate to your mental experience without getting attached, by all means, explore the fun house mirrors that pop up, and take note of any unique perspectives you happen to briefly adopt. Though do take your time in determining when you’ve made it back to solid ground. Neptune has a wide orb, and we have a little over a week until Mercury retrograde even officially begins. — Spencer
Moon enters Virgo; Venus trine Saturn | Wednesday, May 19
Today is the first Quarter Moon and, starting at 6:54 am EDT, the moon will be void until it enters Virgo at 4:59 pm. That’s a set of mixed signals there as first Quarter Moons are about initiating action, while void Moons typically encourage holding off on such actions.
Essentially, take advantage of the downtime during the Moon void as much as you can, then begin to organize the details of whatever endeavor you feel called upon to take up at this phase of the lunar cycle.
Though, don’t get caught up in the data, and all the details; there needs to be some emotional intelligence in your planning, too. The “human element” is being forgotten in much of the decisions being made in the world today, but that needn’t be the case for you.
And Venus trine Saturn at 9:58 pm directly speaks to this: when you introduce your emotions, your care, and your connections to your sensibilities into your decisionmaking, that is what makes life affirming choices, which are beneficial to all those involved, possible. — Spencer
Venus sextile Chiron | Tuesday, May 18
As Eric mentioned on yesterday’s Week Ahead Astrology Podcast (which you may find posted below) the Moon is now in Leo. This is certainly encouraging of the need to put yourself out there, and to be seen for who you are today. Though as the night wears on, the Moon will make an opposition to Saturn which could seem to put the brakes on that, and prompt the need to secure yourself away, and put some limits on any group attention you receive.
Meanwhile, Venus will make a sextile to Chiron this morning at 7:44am EDT. Venus sextiles allow you to tap into your emotional intelligence — that which feels right and which also makes sense. This particular sextile is offering the opportunity for any information sharing and relationship building that you do to aid you in your individuation process — to further help you in becoming who you are, or, perhaps more accurately, allowing you to notice who you are.
So much of our personal, inner growth finds support in our relationships with others, whether directly or indirectly. And yet so much distrust and obfuscation has been generated in the social realm (Mercury’s building square to Neptune this weekend may not necessarily help matters).
That said, it’s vital to trust yourself so that you will then be able to extend that trust to others. It certainly goes against the prevailing ethos to make a practice of attempting to trust and connect with others. But, if we would like to grow and change, and if we would like to see the world grow and change as well, we have to start somewhere.
Week Ahead Podcast with Eric Francis | Monday, May 17
Today’s Week-Ahead Astrology Podcast with Eric Francis covers the Sun entering Gemini on Thursday, and looks as far out as the May 26 total eclipse of the Moon. This presentation is exactly 10 minutes; the rest is music by Vision Quest. Read about the Philosophy of Astrology course.
About Planet Waves. This website is an unusual source of spiritual astrology and news coverage integrated with an astrological perspective. “Spiritual” means we are concerned with the inner life, growth, self-awareness and conscious participation in the world. Please explore our new website using the navigation at the top of the page. If you take your time, you will make many discoveries. You are welcome to support our work financially: we pay many people to produce the professional quality articles and artwork that you see. You may make a donation in any amount to our nonprofit organization (which comes with website access), or get a subscription. There are many excellent options.
Weekend Astrology Podcast by Eric Francis | Friday, May 14
Today’s Weekend Astrology Podcast with Eric Francis covers Jupiter in Pisces, and the Moon making many aspects as it moves through cardinal sign Cancer. CORRECTION: At some point I say Jupiter in Gemini when I mean the Moon in Gemini. Remember to tune in to Planet Waves FM Friday night at 10 pm ET. Music by Vision Quest.
Here is Sky Saw part 2 by Vision Quest
Jupiter enters Pisces: It’s a Mutable World | Thursday, May 13
Over the past few months, the more macro-level astrology has been centered in Aquarius. The Dec. 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius has been ringing out ever since.
Aquarius is a fixed sign, and, in particular, about the fixing of patterns. And in the time since the conjunction, various ‘new normals’ of last year have taken hold and carried us further along (whether or not this is somewhere we would collectively like to go remains an open question).
Yet it’s helpful to remember that this is only one mode with which to view, interact, and interface with the world — that which is crystallized is still subject to erosion, and metamorphosis.
Jupiter enters Pisces at 6:36 pm EDT and If it’s to be a reminder of anything, it’s the concept of mutability. The patterns of the wider world, and your personal life are still open to your conscious participation. Things can change: we can change, the world really can change, everything can change.
Jupiter is in domicile in Pisces, and this should prove a fruitful time to apply your faith to making thse changes in the world you would like to see take place.
The important factor will be to use what you know going forward, and to apply it as needed with confidence, as well as the knowledge that even that which you may be sure of is subject to transformation.
(And, by extension, so are you.)
— Spencer
Mercury trine Saturn; Moon enters Gemini | Wed., May 12
Today Mercury rides up to trine Saturn at 2:34 pm EDT. Mercury is happy in Gemini — communication comes easy, and learning and sharing information is a breeze. The trine to Saturn in Aquarius sees this gathering and sharing able to be put to use in shoring up the social structures that make up your world.
In other words, reach out to your friends, and friends of friends to see what new news they might have for you. Or, on the other hand, what have you recently learned that would benefit your network if you were to share it with them? Either way, any knowledge shared is a gain for all involved.
You have the resources (i.e. the language, info, and perspective) on hand to effect positive change in your corner of the world, and communicating with others is the first step in moving that along. Though do try not to go overboard: endless data points aren’t always appreciated.
Lastly, at 8:43 am the Moon enters Gemini and will make a conjunction to Venus in the evening at 6:20 pm. This focus in Gemini today is saying to appreciate whatever learning process you happen to be in: soon enough, with Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces tomorrow, the potential for putting what you’ve discovered to use will become that much bigger. — Spencer
Taurus New Moon | Tuesday, May 11
Today’s New Moon occurs at 3:00 pm EDT and will be conjunct Black Moon Lilith, alongside a square from Mars to Chiron.
As Eric mentioned in last night’s article, Mars square Chiron is an aspect he associates with a person having so much integrity that they are effectively blocked from living the way that they want — hesitation of the “I would love to do that but I shouldn’t (because I’m too pure)” variety comes into play.
In the New Moon chart as a whole, we have the expression of the Moon and the Sun in Taurus filtered through profound hesitancy around trusting physical existence, which is a way of saying mater-matter-mother (New Moon conjunct Lilith), and blocked assertive energy.
With this natural flow of vital life energy blocked, expression is found in distorted forms, colored by guilt, anger, violence, resentment, and so on. The fallout of this is to be found in our one-on-one relationships, and our general approach to life.
Taken all together, that’s a lot of pressure building. But Uranus is in Taurus, representing the very approach that is needed here: open up, experiment, try something new. This New Moon is the start of a new cycle, and with it comes the opportunity to commit to new experiences and work your way out of any ruts that have thus far been hell to get out of.
Week Ahead Podcast with Eric Francis | May 10
Today’s Week Ahead Astrology Podcast with Eric Francis covers the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 11, and Jupiter entering Pisces on Thursday, May 13. Music by Vision Quest. Read about the Philosophy of Astrology course.
About Planet Waves. This website is an unusual source of spiritual astrology and news coverage integrated with an astrological perspective. “Spiritual” means we are concerned with the inner life, growth, self-awareness and conscious participation in the world. Please explore our new website using the navigation at the top of the page. If you take your time, you will make many discoveries. You are welcome to support our work financially: we pay many people to produce the professional quality articles and artwork that you see. You may make a donation in any amount to our nonprofit organization (which comes with website access), or get a subscription. There are many excellent options.
Weekend Astrology Podcast Eric Francis | May 8
Today’s Weekend Astrology Podcast with Eric Francis covers events leading to the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday, May 11. This is an interesting and complex chart — I will do my best to make it easy to follow. Music by Vision Quest.
About Planet Waves. This website is an unusual source of spiritual astrology and news coverage integrated with an astrological perspective. “Spiritual” means we are concerned with the inner life, growth, self-awareness and conscious participation in the world. Please explore our new website using the navigation at the top of the page. If you take your time, you will make many discoveries. You are welcome to support our work financially: we pay many people to produce the professional quality articles and artwork that you see. You may make a donation in any amount to our nonprofit organization (which comes with website access), or get a subscription. There are many excellent options.
More Daily Planets Below Astrology Studio Adverts – Scroll Down!
Gemini Astrology Studio is ready! Click here to purchase; audio sample below.
The Gemini Sun, Moon and rising reading is now available. This is a 76 minute reading in the Astrology Studio series. You get Eric’s astrological observations and his distinct style of motivational speaking. Includes chart, extended written description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.

Taurus reading ready! Purchase here; sample below
— A. Wilson
— Cheryl Corson
“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and still he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children…his vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”
— Leo Loza

Moon enters Aries; Venus conjunct Sedna | Friday, May 7
The Moon entering Aries this morning at 7:52 am EDT may have you feeling ready to tackle whatever it is you’ve been pulling together. You know where you’re going and where you want to go. Yet, however much pressure you may be feeling to make grand strides, start with where you are.
Acknowledge any pain or conflicted feelings you may be experiencing in the moment. And be cautious not to rely solely on ambition, or throw yourself into your chosen tasks as a form of escapism.
Not only could you create more work for yourself in the long run, but you could miss out on the present goodness on offer to you right now. That “goodness” being exemplified through the conjunction of Venus and Sedna at 11:37 am.
To quote Melanie Reinhart, Sedna describes the “Work” of “keeping our heart open in hell;” it is about staying with those desolate places within ourselves long enough to allow in love and relief.
And what is Venus about if not love?
By all means honor the tasks before you. But devote some attention inward, even to those that areas don’t feel too nice, and keep an eye out for the peace, love, and harmony that’s looking to make an entrance and fill those spaces. — Spencer
Venus trine Pluto | Thursday, May 6
Venus has been building up to a trine to Pluto, and it will be exact early this morning at 7:25 am EDT. Before we cover this, though, be aware that the Pisces Moon is conjunct Neptune all day. This can give a shimmer to the world, and also be associated with believing what is not true. So make sure you double check everything you learned today, particularly after the Moon has entered Aries Friday morning.
Meanwhile: there’s been quite the emphasis on Taurus of late with many of the inner planets having moved into the sign, and yesterday being Beltane (the midpoint of both Taurus, and spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere). And with Taurus comes the topic of resources.
The trine between Venus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn is saying: marshal your resources in service of what you value.
For example, Venus is associated with relationships: if there is someone whose presence you value in your life, Pluto is saying cut to the chase and organize the structures of your life to support getting what it is that you want (namely, in this case, continued contact). Be real with them. Venus and Pluto are offering an opening.
That isn’t to say this is strictly limited to relationships. The dynamic remains whether its a lover, or greater artistic fulfillment you’re after.
Meanwhile the Moon is in Pisces and will make a conjunction to Pallas in the morning at 7:52 am, and then a conjunction to Neptune at 5:17 pm. There’s a lot to work with here in terms of strategizing ways to make the life you dream of a reality.
The runway is clear, and the tank is full: it’s all up to you to decide where to go.

Today is Beltane | Wednesday, May 5
Today is Beltane — the cross-quarter day when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Taurus, and the midpoint between spring and summer (or autumn and winter in the Southern Hemisphere). This is the celebration of new life, and of the wealth and abundance that arises from the Earth.
Several planets are in their domiciles (the signs they rule) for this event: Mercury is in Gemini; Venus is in Taurus; Saturn is in Aquarius; Neptune is in Pisces; and though asteroids do not rule signs, Vesta is in Virgo. The North and South nodes of the Moon are in their signs of exaltation: Gemini and Sagittarius respectively.
We might then wonder why everything is so stressful. Though this is of little comfort to those who are struggling, the world is going through a major initiation. This began in January 2020 with Saturn conjunct Pluto, and Pluto square Eris, two rare events involving Pluto in Capricorn. This has unleashed many destructive forces, which is necessary to clear the way for what needs to be born. It is up to you to help make that happen: to participate directly in the rebuilding process; to take a creative approach to life.
We all know the world was not going well before “covid” happened. That does not mean “covid” and all that has come with it is not an abuse of the public trust and of science. We are witnessing the gross abuse of public and private power in every sense. Many will be hurt in the process, especially if they do not lightly step out of the way of danger when they have the opportunity.
And you may still have the chance to do so, particularly by not doing something irreversible to your body that you do not understand. Part of what needs to be destroyed is the tendency of people to act on limited knowledge, to not use their knowledge, and to allow themselves to be pressured into doing what they don’t understand and even do not agree with.
What has this got to do with Beltane? Beltane is a reminder to celebrate the life we have, and the Earth that sustains us. If Thanksgiving should be celebrated any day, it would be today. Part of the celebration involves something that seems to be rapidly evaporating: the cosmic, divine and worldly gift of sex. If you can do that, if you know someone interested, go for it. Today, allow sex to be an offering of pleasure, freedom and celebration, rather than an exercise in power.
About Planet Waves. This website is an unusual source of spiritual astrology and news coverage integrated with an astrological perspective. “Spiritual” means we are concerned with the inner life, growth, self-awareness and conscious participation in the world. Please explore our new website using the navigation at the top of the page. If you take your time, you will make many discoveries. You are welcome to support our work financially: we pay many people to produce the professional quality articles and artwork that you see. You may make a donation in any amount to our nonprofit organization (which comes with website access), or get a subscription. There are many excellent options.
Gemini Astrology Studio is ready! Click here to purchase; audio sample below.
The Gemini Sun, Moon and rising reading is now available. This is a 76 minute reading in the Astrology Studio series. You get Eric’s astrological observations and his distinct style of motivational speaking. Includes chart, extended written description of your sign, and access to last year’s reading.

Taurus reading ready! Purchase here; sample below
— A. Wilson
— Cheryl Corson
“I’ve known Eric Francis and his work since 1997. He was my lifeline, which helped through 15 years of raising two boys solo, and still he’s still helping me through life/identity crisis, post children…his vision is uncanny — he seems to know Taureans better than we know ourselves.”
— Leo Loza
Moon riding out the rest of Aquarius; Mercury settling into Gemini | Tuesday, May 4
The Moon continues to ride through Aquarius, and will make a conjunction to Jupiter early tonight, before arriving in Pisces at 10:09 pm EDT. Also of note: Mercury entered Gemini last night at 10:49 pm.
What’s all of this amount to? As mentioned yesterday, the Moon in Aquarius can speak to feeling pulled to follow the crowd, yet at the same time the need for independence and to stand out from the crowd. Today, Jupiter in the mix goes ahead and makes all of this bigger: the groups you were drawn to seem to expand; the splash you make enlarges; the competing feelings to stay or to go grow in scale.
Mercury’s entrance into Gemini will do well to provide you with a lot of data (such as the thoughts and opinions of your extended social circle and beyond) to consider in this nonconformity journey.
But what it really comes down to is what do you want, and how much does shame in honestly valuing your own desires deter you from going after them directly? Ultimately, we are responsible for our relationship to our desire in this present moment — no matter the past, you can allow it to be colored by guilt, or begin to celebrate it.
Whether you choose to stand out from within the crowd, or venture off, the right path is most likely the one where you begin to feel more open and free, inwardly. — Spencer

Welcome to the Working Week | Monday, May 3
Today the Moon is in Aquarius. If you know anyone with this placement, you know that it describes unusual people who live their lives their way. This is the Moon of the original nonconformist, whose very blood and bones need independence of thought and choice. At the same time, they are some of the most social people, and gravitate toward groups — but only if they can be themselves.
Take a message from the Aquarius Moon as a natal placement and perhaps apply it to your life today. Notice the ways you feel hemmed in, and give yourself a stretch; take any opportunity to go in the other direction from the crowd.
The Moon forms a conjunction to the mighty Saturn in Aquarius at 3:08 pm EDT, which has a serious tone and is encouraging you to focus your priorities, take care of business, and not brook excuses or other bullshit (from yourself or anyone). Do what you gotta do, and stick with others who feel the same way. Focus your agenda; you know what it is, and if you don’t, pause for a moment and figure it out.
Note that the Sun is square Saturn and that, too, is about getting about your business and trimming away the distractions. Only you can do that; don’t expect anyone to do it for you. — Eric Francis
Weekend Astrology Podcast Begins Now!
Here’s the premier edition of our weekend astrology podcast. This sure is an exciting week to get started, with the Sun conjunct Uranus and the Moon making all kinds of turbulent aspects through the weekend. This presentation is about seven minutes with music by Vision Quest.