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Wednesday, March 31 – The Day of Tenacity
At present, you are empowered to be the organizing force of your life. That’s to say that any miscommunications spawned from ill-defined boundaries or notions of jealousy do not have to be permanent factors in your relationships. Suss out where you have taken on what is not yours, or areas where you may have overshared. Then, work at clearly communicating that which is the problem — this will serve to rebalance any perceived power imbalances in your relationships. As for the benefit: well, the great part about getting your life in order is that your life is then in order. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Tuesday, March 30 – The Day of Uncompromising Vision
Navigating our (often unspoken) agreements with others can be a nebulous, tricky process; you may feel the need to attend to yours now. It’ll help if you apply some shrewdness to your dealings, as well as a little flexibility. Your attentiveness will pay off: mostly by revealing to you how rich you are, if not in paper money, then in your many talents and intangible resources. Being enlightened in this matter may seem a fine reason to pull back in how much you share. Though, you could also recognize that you are more than equipped to give, and live, generously. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Weekly Horoscope #269 for Aries

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Right now all matters come back to prioritizing healing. This is not the usual way of the world. Typically, when an issue comes up for healing, it gets suppressed or masked, because to respond could be an annoyance, or get messy. Those are two primary causes of sickness and dis-ease, as buried or hidden material tends to fester. So whatever comes up this week, let it come up into the light for a good airing out. You have plenty of resources to work with, and you will have cooperation if you need it. The thing to remember is that everything is connected to every other thing. There are no parts of you, there is just you, and you are one unified creature with one body and one life. And over that life are looming two questions: why do your friends have so much influence over you? And why do you take authority figures at their word, rather than asking questions and getting real answers? That issue is at the very center of your healing process.
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Monday, March 29 – The Day of the Observer
Your attention may increasingly be drawn to your close relationships. But the real growth to be found is happening within you — this is the place to focus your awareness. Start with any unmet needs you may have (including within the realm of your relationships). Then, follow that thread deeper. That is to say, begin to explore that inner space where you and the wider universe meet. Here, do you sense that your needs are being met, and that your place in existence is secure? Give this some thought and in time an answer will arrive, with experience to match. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Sunday, March 28 – The Day of Innocence
The divide between self and other is not as wide as you may think. It’s less of a chasm, and more of a continuum where your interests blend with the interests of others. It’s within this meeting place that wounding and conflicts often occur. And still, with wounding comes the opportunity for healing. It may not be easy: the hurts may originate from decades ago; emotions may be heightened. But with a devotion to understanding where the other is coming from, and sensitivity and receptivity to how it is they feel, you are positioned to bring these matters to resolution. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Saturday, March 27 – The Day of the Originator
If your body is telling you to rest, then rest. The prevailing atmosphere of the day may be pushing you to do otherwise, but make time for yourself. Pay attention to your health, before any sense of overwhelm begins to catch up to you. On that note, while you’re taking a much needed break, seek out that which is pleasurable to you. As you welcome the beauty of life into your awareness, you will begin to spot the ways that you’ve deprived yourself in the past – and in the present, for that matter – and how to change that going forward.— Spencer & Anna
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Instant Access: Aries Astrology Studio 2021-22
Friday, March 26 – The Day of Integrity
Try as you might to be flexible and diplomatic at work, it might feel as if it’s not making much of a difference. But that’s less of an issue, and more of a hint: stop, shake things up a bit, and prioritize your passions in life. Work will sort itself out; you’re devoted, without question. So it’s not a risk for you to consciously indulge yourself with what you delight in. Listen to that favorite, old album of yours. Buy that dress you’ve been eyeing. And use any attention you attract to invite others to share in your good time. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Thursday, March 25 – The Day of Dynamism
Don’t be surprised if you turn and around it seems like there’s suddenly a stadium full of people in your life. And who could blame you if you start to feel they’re cramping your style a little? No matter, it’s time to get to work: actively engage the creative, artistic ideas that you hold dear. Hold fast to your intuition and connection to the unknown. You’re not on the path of sacrificing who you are to supposedly “belong.” Instead, you’re stepping into your own — you are going through a change of mind. Likewise, your emotions are soon to follow. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your Aries audio reading. Purchase your Aries reading today!
Wednesday, March 24 – The Day of Beguiling Simplicity
If you start to find yourself in the limelight, by all means put on your best show. Any attention placed on you now will serve to gently bring awareness to what needs healing within you. Whether you’re actively seeking that attention is another matter. Prioritize doing what it is that makes you feel alive. Focusing this might shake up your value set; your friend group may not approve. But why let that stop you. Even if your words don’t always line up with what you’re trying to convey, speak your piece, and do what your heart calls you to do. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your upcoming audio reading. Preorder your Aries reading today!
Weekly Horoscope #268 for Aries

Aries (March 20-April 19) — At a certain point one must awaken to the reality of sex. It’s true that nearly everyone thinks they already have, which is the issue. Yet more energy is put into avoiding than embracing this topic, for a wide diversity of reasons, all of them diversionary. If you feel a calling to bring up topics of love, pleasure, your identity, your orientation or any such matter, you are the only one who can actually get this going. And it’s easy to dodge, bob and weave, until the feeling seems to go away, only to reappear again in a slightly different form. Bubbling underneath this are often wild, unacknowledged misgivings about yourself and your experiences. You might start with a broad question: to what extent is guilt a factor in your interactions with yourself and with others? That’s usually the thing avoided, or the excuse to avoid everything else. Therefore, it’s what you want to confront directly. Just because you may feel guilt doesn’t mean you’re wrong. In fact, wrong is the last thing you are, though you will need to look, listen and feel to really get that.
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Tuesday, March 23 – The Day of Curiosity
The period just ahead could be described as allowing for your creative and imaginative best. So go on and unwind a little. Let the good feelings flow, and go where the muse takes you. Though, it will certainly be helpful if you are mindful of your words, thoughts, and deeds. With things as slippery as they are, small miscommunications pose the risk of spiraling out of control, and into control dramas, or more involving scenarios. Stick to the truth — say what you mean, and mean what you say. Keep things in good fun, and strive to do no harm. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your upcoming audio reading. Preorder your Aries reading today!
Monday, March 22 – The Day of Direct Current
Being trapped in the past is a lot easier to pull off than you may think. The hard part is bringing yourself back to the present moment — though any sense of difficulty is immaterial when healing is your motivation. Going forward, you may begin to wholeheartedly pour yourself into your daily work, while at the same time your thought life gently drifts and unwinds in its own direction. Recognize this space of ease as an opening where greater healing of past emotional matters can occur. Take it slow, and allow it all to make sense in its own time. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your upcoming audio reading. Preorder your Aries reading today!

The Aries Equinox: I Am a Child
Dear Friend and Reader:
When the Sun enters Aries, it’s conjunct the asteroid Child. This is a beautiful image of rebirth, apropos of a new season and here in Yankee territory, the end of the “dark winter” that politicians declared last year as part of the 2020 election.
Child can represent childlike curiosity, or some other form of feeling like a child. It can represent the conditions that keep one in a childlike condition, which would be described by the aspect pattern.
We are seeing a lot of this now, as we are all being expected to regress to infancy and do whatever parent-figures say: do it if the Dalai Lama says to. This is the “appeal to authority” fallacy that has gotten us into so much trouble so many times.
Asteroid Child can also represent the “child” state in transactional analysis (TA). For those not familiar with this psychological modality, developed in the late 1950s by Eric Berne (Games People Play), it offers a handy set of tools for understanding real-life situations.
Sunday, March 21 – The Day of Clarity
What was once a data gathering phase is now giving way to one of initiating action. Data on what, exactly? For starters, what it is that matters to you most in the grand scheme of things — the deeply held values that called out to you that you were unaware you possessed. You will have ample opportunity to use what you now know in service of making your life more wonderful. And what you now know more deeply, and more clearly is you: your likes, your dislikes, your passions, and — to tie it all together — your unique place in existence. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your upcoming audio reading. Preorder your Aries reading today!
Saturday, March 20 – The Day of the Labyrinth
Allow any new information that comes your way to guide you further down your chosen path of growth. Though don’t be surprised if along your journey the landscape starts to seem more polarized. On an individual level, it may feel like you are swimming against the current of the rest of humanity. But have faith: you have the connections and support to make a difference in your small part of the world. Keep a clear mind, and cast any jealousy aside. Focus on being yourself, wholly. Then, watch as others follow your lead, and start to pick up the tune. — Spencer
The adventure continues with The Continuing Adventure of Chiron in Aries, your upcoming audio reading. Preorder your Aries reading today!
Friday, March 19 – The Day of Dogged Persistence
Now’s the time to work at bringing closure to any persistent emotional dramas you’ve been facing. No need to bog down communications with the particulars of why so-and-so was wrong all those years ago, or why exactly you may be justified. Focus on your needs now, in the present, and how they can be met. Then, simply stay true to what you discover, and do what needs to be done. Besides peace of mind, you’ll reap the rewards in other ways: namely, the growing trust that, as you continue to clear space, your life will feel that much more abundant. — Spencer
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #267 for Aries

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your birth sign comes with a strong infusion of what I would call Child energy. Aries is the beginning, and it’s all about embarking on the life experiment with passion and curiosity. Yet the concept ‘child’ comes in two main forms. One is the uninhibited, curious person. The other is the person caught either in petulance or the refusal to take on adult responsibility. Childlike adults can be charming, though you can do better. The chart for the Sun’s ingress into your sign later this week describes certain family conditions that may be popping up as if they were still happening, even though they are in the distant past. You may also get some echoes of your own history when speaking with children, your own or those of other people. In these transactions and memory replays you may find out what is keeping you trapped in certain elements of childhood or resisting taking on certain adult commitments. Really this comes down to a matter of whether you feel you have power over your affairs.
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Thursday, March 18 – The Day of Return
What starts off as divine revelation, or as words from “on high”, is often retooled then inflexibly imposed on to our everyday lives. Soon, everyone about town has an opinion and, by God, they are not changing it. That said, whatever larger than life ideas you are made party to going forward, it will help if you continue to keep your mind open. Stay loose, and think of strategic ways you can put your ever evolving perspective to use toward making your reality more loving, and more welcoming — for both yourself, and for others. — Spencer
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Wednesday, March 17 – The Day of the Aerialist
Take some time to relax your mind: your thoughts may not be racing, but if you’ve been fixated on a particular conundrum, try and give it a rest. If you’ll excuse a gratuitous Hamlet reference: there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies. Respect the mystery. Know when to let go, and attend to the tasks at hand: what needs to be done to square away things at home? How aware are you of the state of your finances? And what of your relationships? With the bandwidth you free up, devote some of your attention to revisiting your connections. Gently apply any needed maintenance, and bring the same sense of closure that you yourself are looking for, to where it’s needed. — Spencer Stevens
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #267 for Pisces

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Though the Sun leaves your sign this week, the best times for Pisces have yet to begin. On May 13, your ruling planet Jupiter enters your sign, which will provide unexpected support and new ideas for how to conduct your affairs in this strange new environment that the planet has become. Until then, do what you must in order to not lose yourself. The current focus on Aquarius is encouraging you to re-occupy your interior space. This is difficult in our inside-out world, where so much of the softness and sensitivity of humanity is being consumed by fear. It is not appealing to feel, yet feel, you must. That is a direct route to understanding yourself, to expressing yourself and to being yourself — and though all of that is wonderful, you of all people must live from the inside out. You will appreciate this once you re-orient, but it is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Do what it takes; remember your old methods (art, music, journaling and quiet intimacy) and invent some new ones. Slow down and pay attention to yourself.
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Tuesday, March 16 – The Day of Realistic Inspiration
You’re all set to try out a few ideas, hitherto unexplored, about who it is you think you are, exactly. Not who you are in the sense of your current occupation or identity, but the you that interfaces with the outside world. This process will be helped along by your friends, colleagues, and their colleagues: your social network, as it were. They might offer you a few pointers, or some solid advice or feedback. Although the real growth is to be found in the tension of feeling out who you are then staying true to that experience, amidst this group of people. With that as your point of focus, before you know it, any revolutionary insight you’re reaching for will come to you all on its own. — Spencer Stevens
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Monday, March 15 – The Day of the Heights
You’re finally on the precipice of expressing much that you’ve been ruminating over. Putting your thoughts out there and taking action may feel like a revolutionary act, and in many ways it is. Yet your voice is needed. It’s not just about you, in other words, and the more self-awareness and emotional honesty you bring to bear, the more you’ll be able to bridge gaps and bring forth what is within you to the benefit of all. Any tension around power or dominance are clues to double-down on truth that comes from the heart, rather than listening to old voices of insecurity which only creates barriers. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekend Notes | March 13-14
Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
“Down on the lake rosy reflections of celestial vapor appeared,
and I said, ‘God, I love you’ and looked to the sky and really meant it.
‘I have fallen in love with you, God. Take care of us all, one way or the other.’
To the children and the innocent it’s all the same.”
― Jack Kerouac
To Water the Soul: New Moon in Pisces
By Victoria Emory
Baby what a New Moon.
Saturday, March 13 at 5:21 am Eastern time, the Moon conjoins the Sun in Pisces to give birth to the lunar cycle we’ll ride into the Astrological New Year.
Packaged in with the Sun-Moon conjunction are Neptune and Venus, who unite in their own conjunction by 11:08 pm.
The relationship between Venus and Neptune mirrors Pisces’ relationship with itself, and a message woven into this lunation warrants unpacking that a little.
Symbolized by two fish joined together, one swimming upward and the other along a linear path, Pisces embodies the duality of soul and personality — the aspect of each of us that’s united with the Transcendent, All that Is, God Goddess Source, What-Have-You — and the personality, with all its karma and drama.
Continue Reading on Planet Waves
Sunday, March 14 – The Day of Relativity
Everything is relative; i.e. nothing can be understood outside of some form of relationship. And the key to all relationships with anyone or anything seemingly outside of yourself is your own self-appreciation. “I love you” usually means “I love myself when you love me,” which places your identity and power in the hands of another who cannot possibly live up to the task of making you whole. You’re well-positioned this year to take that power back, which involves coming into a new relationship with your own fundamental resources: your innate talents, skills, and ability to sustain yourself. Bring your courage and faith to this healing process, and observe how the world reflects that enhanced esteem back to you. — Victoria Emory
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Saturday, March 13 – The Day of Fateful Prediction
Today’s New Moon is an invitation to begin your life, the life you want and the one you have always intended to create. Your chart vibrates with beauty, idealism and love. You must bring the daily discipline to make changes. They do not happen on their own, no matter how positive someone may be, or how good the circumstances. You grow your world one step at a time, one day at a time, and one decision at a time. And then you keep on going. You might start, however, with noticing the progress you’ve made the past year. That will be encouraging. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Friday, March 12 – The Day of the Great Leap
We don’t live in times when we expect good things to happen. In fact, with each passing day, we are told over and over again how terrible things are, and how they will never be the same again. Therefore, it takes courage to be positive, life-affirming and creative. Heck, it takes courage to admit that you’re not drowning in fear. It takes courage to admit that you want to create the life that you want. It takes courage to openly want to be with people in a free and loving state of mind. So pluck up your courage and set an example for others. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #266 for Aries

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your life may seem like a puzzle box, where you get into one layer and then there’s a new one you have to figure out how to open a whole new way. The question to ask yourself is: why are you going through this exercise? Curiosity is enough. Wanting to know is a good reason to find out — perhaps the best reason there is. However, you are the puzzle you seek to solve. It does not exist outside you. It is your own being that you are trying to understand. You are not nearly as complicated as you may feel. It would help if you acknowledge that your needs and desires can vary and that you have many inner voices that you must be attentive to. It will help if you listen to yourself when you speak. Notice any ways you might be expressing a split personality by (for example) seeming to contradict yourself when you say the words “I want.” There’s nothing wrong with that, though it will help if you focus on one thing at a time and figure out if that is what you really were after.
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Thursday, March 11 – The Day of Progressive Intuition
Ultimately, you are responsible for your own life. No matter what rules you may follow, or who you may offer yourself to, you live with the decisions that you make. Therefore, be certain that your choices serve you. That means choosing on the basis of what works for you first, and for everyone else second. If you proceed in this order, you will be more likely to find solutions that work for everyone. If you strive to please others first, you may end up pleasing nobody. So wake up every day and boldly state, “This is my life.” — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.

Wednesday, March 10 – The Day of the Soul Searchers
Today both the Moon and the Sun are conjunct the ruling planets of Pisces. The Moon meets Jupiter, and the Sun meets Neptune. This is your invitation to live with full passion, brilliance and gusto. Allow your true nature to manifest in the world. Make the decision to let nothing stop you from accomplishing or creating what you want. Only you can set your limits, and only you can transcend them. You have all the ingredients you need, and plenty of momentum. So it’s safe to release the brakes, and to recognize that a burden has been lifted from your heart. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #266 for Pisces

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This week’s astonishing New Moon in your birth sign or rising sign is here to remind you of all that is possible if you have faith in yourself. That is the secret ingredient to living in a meaningful way on this plane of existence. By meaningful I mean accomplishing at least some of what is important to you. For most this is an abstract concept. For many, repeated failures have led them to give up having what they think of as faith, though that was most likely hope. The thing is about faith is that it’s small, it’s subtle and you might not even notice it. It’s the sublime drive to keep going. You might say it is refusing to disbelieve in yourself. Or you could say it’s about appreciating your own efforts. The chances are if your self-esteem is injured, that is very likely to be the product of someone else’s experience. You are at a point in your growth (in particular, your ability to see into yourself) where it’s firmly time to evaluate that possibility. The buck stops with you — though there are different approaches to dealing with an actual problem you have, versus a nagging doubt that you have inherited from someone else.
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Tuesday, March 9 – The Day of the Space Voyager
Work with the element of surprise. Strict planning is not going to serve you as well as your ability to think on your feet. Flexibility will serve you beautifully. Take every external event and turn it into an opportunity for adventure. This counts as much for negative developments as it does for positive ones. All shifts, changes, adjustments, revisions and such are all opportunities for a rewrite: to change the script, or to flip it, or to go in a new direction entirely. You want the kind of life that offers you some new adventure every day — and to be bold enough to go along with it. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Monthly Horoscope for Aries | March 2021

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Before the Sun enters your sign later this month, you have an opportunity to experience the beauty of your inner world. Not everyone knows this exists. At the moment, the only world most people experience is the internet and anything connected to it. Yes, there are a few people in our society who remember forests, but not most. Contact with nature would bring you closer to yourself. An ocean or large body of water comes to mind, though the natural world in any form will do. The feeling you experience with nobody else around, coming face to face with beauty, is a glimpse of your personal and private world. The longer you stay, the better, though you take your inner existence with you everywhere you go. Another approach is to consider food, which is one of the most intimate things about a person. Give yourself frequent experiences of eating exactly what you want, in a setting where you don’t need to justify yourself nor have your choices be subject to discussion. You would be amazed how much approval-seeking surrounds a matter that should be distinctly one’s own business. You may notice a particularly strong emotional charge around food, and all that it’s associated with. You are in an especially good time to adopt the maxim, “Let food be thy medicine.” On March 20, the Sun enters Aries, which is a refreshing moment for you and for the world. Unlike many people, you have considerable freedom of movement, and social options. But those will be limited by fear, and fear is fed by ignorance. You have a responsibility to know your personal truth, which is a matter of self-understanding and making a true effort to understand the facts of the world around you.
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Monday, March 8 – The Day of Nonconformity
You have the perfect mix of creativity and structure available to you, which is the formula you need to create the life that you want. Be content with what seems like modest progress every day. Practice the art of making a plan of some kind and then following through. Track the direction of movement rather than the distance covered. Note when something or someone seems stuck, and apply some energy there, and shift the inertia. For now, your progress is not about quantity. It’s about quality, which means embracing the beauty of growth and evolution. Go slowly enough to feel your love of who you are and what you do. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekend Notes: March 6 & 7

By Victoria Emory
We’ve entered the dark, disseminating phase of the lunar cycle, and Friday’s noteworthy Fourth Quarter Moon at the ‘Bending,’ or mid-point between the nodes, is the main event heading into this weekend.
The last week of the lunar month is a time to conclude immediate projects and clear the slate for the new cycle. Because we are half-way between eclipse windows, and heading into the Equinox and start of the astrological year, wrapping up outstanding business is especially valuable now.
Given the karmic implications of the nodes and eclipses, “outstanding business” may involve issues with an origin far preceding recent events. Yet, the present is the point of power, to borrow from Seth, and immediate projects might tie in with long-standing issues or intentions which call for attention in the here and now.
Continue reading on Planet Waves
Sunday, March 7 – The Day of Abstract Structure
If you have held back your emotions, your passion, your sexual energy or any other major aspect of your psyche, it’s time to let your feelings flow. You may feel like if you do this a little, you will lose control. This is the excuse for suppressing everything, any time someone wants to do it. You might want to get too wild under the influence of alcohol (if that is even your thing) but a little is OK. The important thing is that you actually shake yourself loose from all of the oppressive vibes our society has been pushing on all of us. You of all people cannot live under a rock, and you much prefer to roll. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Saturday, March 6 – The Day of Beauty Lovers
Mars moving through one of the most sensitive angles of your chart is urging you to keep your cool and use your mind. You must do very little on the basis of a “gut reaction.” You might have one, and you should notice what it is when you do. Then you need to use all of your other senses, faculties, talents and abilities to figure out what is really going on, and determine the most appropriate way to respond to any challenge or opportunity you may face. You have options — never forget. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.

At the Bending: A Chart About Releasing
Dear Friend and Reader:
The last quarter Moon takes place in Sagittarius at 8:30 pm EST on March 5. This is an unusual chart in many ways, particularly for the direct involvement of the lunar nodes in a non-eclipse event.
We are now halfway between sets of eclipses (a cluster across Gemini/Sagittarius this past November and December, and another in the same signs this coming May and June).
For Friday’s last quarter, the Moon is exactly conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius, while the Sun is exactly square the nodal axis in Pisces. All of this is exact to the degree. There are a couple of names for the Sun square the lunar nodes.
Note that all of this action is taking place at the midpoint of the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Friday, March 5 – The Day of Heaven and Hell
You know everything you need to know; now you must act on what you have discovered, developed and learned. All the theory in the world will not help you if you don’t apply your knowledge, and put it through the stress test. That’s actually how ideas are developed from theory to practical application; how concepts become inventions; how inventions become successful developments in society, whether we are talking about creative or technological. Your chart is industrious and brilliantly lit at the moment. You have leverage and you have momentum. Put it all together and do something beautiful. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Hello Pisces! It’s Your Season. Updates below!
Dear Friend and Reader:
Neptune is in your birth sign for the long-haul, and Chiron is in Aries, your sign of self-esteem and self-worth. The challenges of the past few years have given way to a whole new life environment. You are still adapting to this new set of conditions. My 2021 Astrology Studio for Pisces is called Every Decision You Make.

This is a 75-minute professional astrology reading for Pisces Sun, rising and even Moon sign which I plan to release by Friday, Feb. 18.
If you have never experienced an Astrology Studio reading at the time of your birthday, you have a special privilege ahead of you.
My readings aspire to the quality of both excellent astrology and therapy, providing you with better information than most one-on-one readings.
How is that possible? It’s what I do. Here is some recent customer feedback.
Information About Pricing
You may order the reading here at $44. (For comparison, my personal consultations begin at $555. I would estimate that my recorded readings get you at least halfway the distance of a personal consultation for less than 1/10th the price.)
Thank you for your order. Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,
PS — This reading is included with the Backstage Pass, along with many other benefits, including all Astrology Studio readings as well as Spring and Midyear readings.
PPS — If you want to give this reading as a gift, please email with the word PISCES GIFT PURCHASE in the header.
Thursday, March 4 – The Day of Creative Isolation
You know more than you think. You understand the most important questions in a way that is deeper and more sensitive than you or others may believe. Yet to tap your wisdom, you will need to keep your sense of humor. The problem with ‘seriousness’ is that it can block the flow of creativity. Genius often slips through in the form of a little joke. Not taking your situation too seriously will help you see that there are many alternative approaches, and remind you that you can only get a useful answer if you ask a useful question. The truth is everywhere. Recognizing it is the challenging part. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Weekly Horoscope #265 for Pisces

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The past haunts nearly all matters of love and affection. Whether we are talking about nostalgia or past injury, what happened before often lingers like a fog that obscures one’s view of the present. Please, get into the moment. Really and truly find yourself exactly where you are. You will appreciate your life more if you do, and you will also be able to find your way. Remember that when driving through a real fog, it’s better to use your low beams; that is why fog lights are mounted low on the front of a vehicle. Remember to slow down, and relax into the art of driving. It’s OK to stop and wait for a while — often a good idea, as is opening the window and sniffing the air. In other words: be aware of your environment and use your tools effectively. Those include your senses, shamanic objects such as computers, and most of all, your power of decision. The thing about choices is that it comes down to options. You need more of those, so you can evaluate each and dismiss what you know is not right for you. And you do have that knowledge.
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Wednesday, March 3 – The Day of Design
Know where your limits are — and know when you can exceed them. There will be times you want to push all boundaries, but that’s not going to be helpful in most situations. So therefore, apply the gas and the brakes at the appropriate time and place, and with the appropriate people. You don’t need to go 100% all the time anyway. This is about pacing and regulation of your emotional energy. Feelings must not always rule the day. There will be many times when your mind must intervene and say that enough is enough. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.
Tuesday, March 2 – The Day of Undying Loyalty
You must first be loyal to yourself before you can expect that notion to work in any other direction. You set the example and moreover, establish the energetic and intellectual conditions that result in you being treated with respect. Remember that this cannot be taught so easily in people who lack the quality of respect. Yet you can train your eye and your ear to notice who is sincere, and who holds existence itself in greater esteem than they do any particular advantage on any given day. — Eric Francis
You may order your Pisces reading here. This energizing audio reading offers the tools you need to stay true to yourself, no matter what the year may bring.