Eye of the Centaur — Special Chiron Readings

Chiron Resources

The link above includes various Chiron resources, you can use the Chiron through the signs (PDF) to find your Chiron sign.

Introduction to Chiron

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Chiron Transits and Chiron Return

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Chiron Through the Signs 2: Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra (Chiron as an inner planet) 1989-1997

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Chiron Through the Signs Book 3: Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn covering 1997-2005

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Chiron Through the Signs Book 4: Aquarius and Pisces, covering 1955-1968

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3 thoughts on “Eye of the Centaur — Special Chiron Readings”

  1. Loved every minute of this and I learned so so much – currently have Pluto opposite my Chiron so the information is very timely and I’m anxiously awaiting the rest. I”ve never really understood my Chiron even though I’ve read all the books, and Eric made it completely clear, so thank you. I’m thinking about becoming a subscriber and wondering if there is often information of this type and if it’s included in the subscriber level.

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