Taurus Astrology Studio 2022-23

Welcome, Taurus, to your 2022-23 Astrology Studio by Eric Francis. The report, which is also valid for Taurus rising and Moon, is a 75-minute minute audio session and your extended sign description below. Here are the contents: Link to your 2021-22 reading  Taurus sign description Links to annual editions 1999-2018 Article by Eric: It’s All … Read more

Aries Astrology Studio 2022-23

Welcome, Aries Your reading is ready. Here is the player. I suggest giving a listen to last year’s reading to get a sense of context, and to see how the astrology (as I read it) manifested for you. I also recommend this article, Aries Secrets Revealed. One last — the new STARCAST from March 25 … Read more

Pisces Astrology Studio for 2022-23

Welcome, Pisces, to the 144th Astrology Studio Reading. Here is the player for your new reading, or you may download and unzip. https://planetwaves.net/studio/220221-pisces-studio.mp3 The full reading is ready. Below is a link to your 2021 and 2020 readings so you can review it, plus your extended sign description. There are many elements I covered last … Read more

Aquarius Astrology Studio 2022-23

Welcome, Aquarius, to the page for your 2022-23 Astrology Studio reading by Eric Francis. Below are links to your 2021 and 2020 readings so you can review it while Eric is working on the Aquarius Astrology Studio 2022, plus your extended sign description. The report, which is also valid for Aquarius rising and Moon, comprises … Read more

Capricorn Astrology Studio 2021 is Ready!

Welcome, Capricorn, Astrology Studio by Eric Francis Coppolino 2021-22! The report, which is also valid for Capricorn rising and Moon, includes two segments of astrology and an extended written sign description. Here are the contents: Your 2020 Astrology Studio Link to your 2019 reading Capricorn sign description Links to annual editions 1999-2018 Article by Eric: … Read more