Pisces Astrology Studio 2021

Hello Pisces! It’s Your Season. Updates below! Dear Friend and Reader: Neptune is in your birth sign for the long-haul, and Chiron is in Aries, your sign of self-esteem and self-worth. The challenges of the past few years have given way to a whole new life environment. You are still adapting to this new set … Read more

Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, Feb. 16, 2021

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun’s ingress into the most sensitive angle of your chart on the 18th commences a phase of deep internal review for you. Events the past few weeks have kept you involved in the social world, which is the perfect thing for this particular moment. Keep doing that, and then … Read more

The Conspiracy of Wholeness and Healing

Dear Friend and Reader: AM HAVING DIFFICULTY going out of my home and office these days. And I know what it is. When I step outside, I enter a world of people involved in some shade of anxiety, fear or terror. I am feeling pretty good. And then I look around at all these anxious … Read more