Dear Friend and Reader:
The Full Moon in Scorpio happens overnight Monday to early morning Tuesday in most of our time zones (Monday, April 26 at 11:31:27 pm EDT).
Taking place at 8 degrees across Taurus-Scorpio, this lunation lights up the axis of desire, representing some of the deepest passions and emotions humans are capable of. We get the full range of sensations, from all those associated with incarnation and its attachments (in Taurus), to all of those associated with the mysteries of reproduction and death (in Scorpio).

It is these emotions that tend to drive humans to great things, and terrible ones. Biological need, hormonal urging, jealousy, the fear of death, the desire to conquer death and jealousy of the gods, all drive many feelings, including ambition.
One distinction of the Full Moon is that the Sun is conjunct the asteroid Phaethon. He was the son of Helios, who begged his hapless father to allow him to drive the chariot of the Sun across the sky, doing much damage to the Earth. This is a hint about what is currently happening on the planet. (Out of control solar or yang energy is not the only problem. Yin is also way out of balance.)
Unlike Phaethon (who was a little too courageous for his own good), humans tend to live in terror of both their own power, and of death, which manifests in strange ways. One result is a much less fulfilling life, due entirely to living in constant fear. Many Americans and Europeans have long been obsessed with danger and lived risk-averse lives.
But this has got to the point where it is beyond ridiculous. The majority of people are willing to accept anything whatsoever they are told will keep them “safe,” even if neither the danger nor the keeping safe are shown to exist.
This is about fear and manipulating people with it. Fear is an emotion that comes from inside of us, though it can be easily provoked. It is currently out of control, and it’s not the only emotion. So too is anger. When we look at the chaos of the Earth, this is what we see: people unable to understand, process or contain their own feelings, which are then suppressed and emerge in what we politely call “shadow form.”
This Full Moon in the fixed signs is close to the Saturn-Uranus square (from Aquarius to Taurus), which is itself a struggle to contain energy, emotion and the drive to change. This rare, powerful and beautiful aspect — combining the energy of the ancient and modern planets of Aquarius — is driving people to act in ways that are “out of their minds,” that is, beyond their ability to reason.
That’s what makes us what we are. One of the issues here is our inability to have darkness and light meet in the same place. We tend to do either darkness, or light, which fragments us and prevents balance and integration. Our Atlantean predecessors were careful to develop integration skills, find inner balance and work out their life purpose.
A Visit to Atlantis: Emotions are Dangerous
But First Some Details from the Astrology. The Scorpio Full Moon is a reminder of both Mars and Pluto, which tend to represent the very passions that often go out of control. They are also the passions that remind people they are alive, which is uncomfortable and disorienting for many in the disembodied world. Mars for its part shows up in early Cancer (the sign of the Moon). This is activating the 2nd centaur, Pholus — the original planet of “out of control” — in early Capricorn.
Pholus is also about alcoholism, which can be seen as little other than a huge control/out-of-control drama that rips through the generations. With Mars and Pholus so active this week, beware of alcohol and its related problems now. Think of it in its multi-generational expression. There are few families that escape some serious problems with alcohol abuse.

As well, Mars connects to slow-mover Quaoar, also in early Capricorn, which is about the deepest origins of humanity — back to the birth of the gods, the goddesses and the early ancestors. Quaoar has a much longer reach back in time than does Pholus, though both are multigenerational influences.
One other thought. Our longtime reader and friend Greg Cederbeard pointed out that the Moon and Mars are in mutual reception in the Full Moon chart. Mars is the classical ruler of Scorpio, and the Moon is the ruler of Cancer; they are in one another’s signs. This is called mutual reception.
There are many ways this condition can manifest, which can be more or less helpful. In this scenario, the objects occupying one’s another’s classical signs of rulership has the sensation of a hostage situation: of one’s emotions held for ransom. That is what often happens with anger, particularly if it’s not questioned and there is no notion of resolution, healing, or forgiveness.
There is another connection as well. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and two of the more powerful planets in this scenario are there — Pholus and Quaoar, both related to families. This tells me that whatever we are dealing with now is old material, not new — but as they say, what else is new?
As for Atlantis…
Lately I’ve been listening to the work of Matias De Stefano, who teaches the history of the world before and into the rise of Atlantis. (If you watch this series, I suggest you start with Season 1, wherein he describes the qualities of the nine dimensions.)
What is so distinct about the current form of humans is our ability to feel and experience a vast diversity of intense emotions: love, rage, desire, greed, happiness, swooning response to beauty and so on.
That’s what makes us what we are. One of the issues here is our inability to have darkness and light meet in the same place. We tend to do either darkness, or light, which fragments us and prevents balance and integration. This is reflected in the attacks we see on holistic consciousness, and people who do not fear death being called conspiracy theorists.
Our Atlantean predecessors were careful to develop integration skills, find inner balance and work out their life purpose. The solution, in our time, is not to numb out or become computers, but rather to learn to master our emotions. Even accepting ourselves for what we feel would be a big help.
Over time, the balancing skills of our predecessors degraded, leading to the problems we see in contemporary humans. This makes us dangerous to ourselves and to other life forms, both historically and today. This has been going on for a long time. Life forms who were threatened and could be harmed by our feelings include a diversity of other types of pre-Atlantean (as well as then-contemporary) humans who lived on the planet before the Atlanteans rose to global power, as well as life forms from other planets. De Stefano says that even today, many of them consider us nothing more than a power source and use us as batteries, harvesting our emotional energy. But we are so dangerous to some that our laughter can kill them by inducing a heart attack.
De Stafano says that the later Atlanteans, our direct predecessors, waged war on Lemuria and in the process drove all other far more sensitive human life forms — there were many here — into parallel dimensions that are contained in the interior of the Earth. He describes this all in a calm and straightforward manner (without trying to sell books, seminars or tours) that somehow does not strain credulity. He says that his grandfather (from those days) told him this entire history. Hopefully I got it right, after watching his Initiations series several times.
All I can tell you is that this place, built of vastly ancient and unusual stones that rang like a cathedral bell when I accidentally struck them with my boot, seemed to obviously (to my perception) be an Atlantean temple of some kind. It is said the Great Pyramid was built to protect and conceal this temple.
Side Note: The Connection between Egypt and Atlantis
In De Stefano’s telling of events, there was no Atlantean continent but rather, there were colonies everywhere, which ultimately led to human civilization as we know it. One of those civilizations is what we think of as ancient Egypt. This is often discussed, and De Stefano provides many details about the connection.
When I visited the Pyramid of Cheops (the Great Pyramid of Giza) in 1996, I was able to enter the Subterranean Chamber, shown at the bottom of the illustration below. This is believed by some to be an Atlantean artifact.

All I can tell you is that this place, built of vastly ancient and unusual stones that rang like a cathedral bell when I accidentally struck them with my boot, seemed to obviously (to my perception) be an Atlantean temple of some kind. It is said the Great Pyramid was built to protect and conceal this temple.
Neither of these ideas are supported by conventional, academic history, and De Stefano does not address the issue directly, that I have seen.
Though it is difficult to say for sure, the underground chamber seemed as old or older than the nearby Sphinx. The Sphinx is so ancient that, according to Egyptologist John Anthony West and his photographer Sarite Sanders (who took the photo at the top), water damage to the Sphinx was being repaired during the Old Kingdom, well before 2150 BCE. Damage from water would imply a whole other climate surrounded the thing at one time.
As I explored the Giza Plateau, my impression was that the Great Sphinx was there long before anything else, but this is not as simple as dating antiques. (For reference, academic Egyptology claims the Great Pyramid was built c. 2600 BCE, and claims that the Sphinx is approximately that old.)
Also, contrary to what academic Egyptology claims, the pyramids were initiation chambers, not burial chambers. So far as I know, no mummy has ever been found in a pyramid. Pharaohs and their kin were buried elsewhere.
If I am understanding him correctly, De Stefano says that Atlantean civilization dates to the retreat of the glaciers about 12,000 years ago during the Age of Leo, and that the ancient Egyptians were getting busy during the later Age of Cancer about 8,000 to 10,ooo years ago, trying to emulate Atlantean life. (Note, a parallel version of this history is told in Akakllabeth: The Downfall of Numenor, by J.R.R. Tolkien.)
Pluto, believed to be about “evolution,” works in most people mainly by death threat. Its discovery in 1930 presaged the rise of fascism in the decade that followed.

Another Way: Uranus, Albion, Sappho
The Full Moon occurs close to an important conjunction, that of slow-movers Uranus and Albion. Formerly known as 1992 QB1, Albion was the first planet in our solar system discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto. Read the story at this link.
Pluto, believed to be about “evolution,” works in most people mainly by death threat. Its discovery in 1930 presaged the rise of fascism in the decade that followed. Pluto is indeed about evolution; it is the density of consciousness that creates the sense of doom, disaster and destruction. The Declaration of Independence contains an observation I find useful: “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

When I say “density of consciousness,” I mean a contracted state of awareness propagated by anxiety in all of its forms. Or, the human mind often rolls like a flat tire.
Most people require a destructive or threatening influence to effect any change or progress. This prepares and conditions people to respond to nothing other than devastation or sheer terror. “Make me do it” is one of the dominant states of Pluto, as is throwing down and saying, “Try to stop me.” This is the prevailing state of our planet right now.
Albion takes another approach. It is about the gentle invitation to growth, movement and becoming. The space-defining quality of Vesta (now in Virgo, trine the Sun and sextile the Moon) is needed to hold open the space in awareness that would start the process. Then Albion is the gentle, appealing but necessary invitation to explore the edge. Not to fall off, or leap off or be pushed off of the edge, but to stay there for a while.
Right now, Uranus is in a conjunction to Albion. This is exact once and once only on April 26, 2021, the day of the Full Moon. (This conjunction takes place every 125 years — less than once in a lifetime. And it is happening Monday, the day of the Full Moon.) This indicates to me a kind of revolution around the ideas of Albion.
This is conjunct the asteroid Sappho. Though this is sometimes associated with loving and sexual relationships among women, it is more often about people getting together around a common idea. Presently this seems to be happening more in the spirit of low-vibration Pluto (seeming unity in fear) than it is through Albion (unity through a better way). The constant state of anxiety is making everyone sick, though many feel like it’s dangerous to let it go.
We need that better way. And we need it soon.

From One Year Ago This Week:

From One Year Ago This Week:
The Private Idaho Virus by Eric Francis
For many, this scenario brings up their most personal worst fears: of martial law and dictatorship, of mandatory, improperly tested vaccines, of poverty, of a financial collapse, of corporate greed, of government incompetence, of food running out. Of the creepy 5G satellite system we’re told will soon blanket the globe and every street. NOTE — this is the sought-after article with details about the homeopathic treatment of respiratory illness.