PWFM Covid Coverage: What Our Readers and Listers Say

“Eric, you and your team should win a Pulitzer for this brilliant work. I hope the story you just broke has legs like crazy and that Bustin is busted, along with the rest of the scammers perpetrating the crime against humanity that is Christian Drosten’s PCR test.” One Year of Covid19 News and Planet Waves … Read more

Delta of Venus: Pisces and the Virgo Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: As we approach the Virgo Full Moon, we move deep into the heart of Pisces. The 12th and most mysterious sign of the zodiac, the Virgo Moon this weekend will reflect that sublime light back to us and maybe it will be easier to see and feel. Or to hear: I’ve … Read more

Liberation by Unplugging?

Can we consider that the digital world in general has now reached the point (perhaps long past the point) where it serves the oppressors far more than it serves us? By David Perez Two dangerous things are happening simultaneously. First, the official COVID narratives are mutating in ways that threaten to make it a forever … Read more

Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, Feb. 23, 2021

This horoscope is part of a subscriber service. Join our Core Community and get the full benefits of involvement with Planet Waves, including a printed copy of your charts and the PDF of my book Astrology Revealed. Aries (March 20-April 19) — The seeming problem with taking care of oneself is that it involves making … Read more

PWFM Covid Coverage: What Our Readers and Listers Say

“Eric, you and your team should win a Pulitzer for this brilliant work. I hope the story you just broke has legs like crazy…” One Year of Covid19 News and Planet Waves FM Coverage Dear Friend and Reader: For the past year, our nonprofit organization Chiron Return has published a daily news blog and a … Read more