Virgo Full Moon Memoir :: By Eric Francis

Spending time in this space for the past four months has been a reminder of what it means to be free. It’s a reminder of what is possible when fear is left behind and where cell phones are left in the car, or at home. And most of all it’s a reminder of how easy … Read more

Weekend Notes: Full Moon in the Sign of the Goddess

“I,” she said, “I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, ‘Lord, I saw you today in a vision.’ He answered and said to me, Blessed are you that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, there is the treasure.’  I said to him, … Read more

Until the Equinox | March 2021 Horoscope by Eric Francis

Dear Friend and Reader: When the Sun enters Aries on March 20, it does so in a conjunction to the asteroid Child. Magnified by the Aries Point, this conjunction is a reminder that we live in what poet Robert Bly has called the Sibling Society: a civilization not just without adults, but lacking in commitment. … Read more

Checking in with Martha Lang-Wescott

Patterns in the Transntptunian Points — from an email to Eric Francis this week…view TNPs and minor planets at the equinox on this page. We’ve been having Zeus and Poseidon in the same axis. Poseidon is The Media — and that includes Social Media. Zeus is volatility (so the sense that anger is but a … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2021

This horoscope is part of a subscriber service. Join our Core Community and get the full benefits of involvement with Planet Waves, including a printed copy of your charts and the PDF of my book Astrology Revealed. Preorder Aries Astrology Studio 2021-22 Aries (March 20-April 19) — Before the Sun enters your sign later this … Read more