Daily Astrology: May 2021

Back to Current Page  Total Lunar Eclipse still ringing; Venus square Neptune and Pallas | Thursday, May 27 Today’s high profile aspect, aside from the still recent Total Lunar Eclipse, is Venus square Neptune at 3:25 pm EDT. The square in this instance comes with a caution: don’t be taken in by, or blinded by … Read more

Bells Ringing. Mercury Retrograde. Eclipse on Horizon.

Two weeks ago, I quoted Linda Goodman describing her ultimate Gemini friend, who started an answering service in the 1950s and became the subject of the Broadway musical and film Bells are Ringing. Intrigued, I found a copy of the 1960 movie, which is a romantic comedy centered around a New York City answering service. The business is called “Susanserphone.” In many ways this play and movie were way ahead of their times.

Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, June 1, 2021

This horoscope is part of a subscriber service. Join our Core Community and get the full benefits of involvement with Planet Waves, including a printed copy of your charts and the PDF of my book Astrology Revealed. Aries (March 20-April 19) — You won’t know what’s really irritating you until you put it into language. … Read more

Planet Waves Readings by Eric Francis for June 2021

Welcome back to Planet Waves. We are presenting the monthly horoscopes in a new format, with one sign per page. Your page includes monthly readings back to the beginning of the year. All free readers get a few clicks. To get unlimited access to all signs, weekly and monthly horoscopes, and thousands of articles, all … Read more