Sun Enters Virgo: Grow What Feeds You. Eat What Nourishes You.

Virgo is the sign of food and dairy production. You might say that it’s the sign of the agricultural revolution, symbolized by the Virgin Goddess. This sign is ruled by Mercury, which from ancient times represents merchants. No doubt the first thing on Earth that was sold or traded was food. Yet this likely predates agriculture

Planet Waves Weekly for Aug. 15, 2024 by Eric Francis

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may want to break free of something, though first I suggest you study it from the inside. It’s not like you have to cut a fence; you’re close to whatever this thing is, and already have a good interior view of the space I’m describing. It’s a concept or idea about yourself…

Trust: The Foundation

This presentation by Eric Francis is a follow-up supplement to Trust Yourself, the 2024 midyear reading from Planet Waves. Purchase options are available at the Astrology Boutique. Your purchase comes with a introductory recording, your chosen signs, a reference reading and your follow-up presentations…

Planet Waves Weekly for Aug. 8, 2024 by Eric Francis

The most significant thing people keep quiet about is their priorities. It may seem like the contentious secrets are the ones about sexual trysts and love affairs, though that’s a scrim or social game. Values and principles are more often the thing kept in the locked box. And one motive for this is likely to…

Planet Waves Weekly for Aug. 1, 2024 by Eric Francis

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will be more peaceful if you know that it’s not possible to keep secrets for any more than a short time — and that people read minds. There is, therefore, nothing you can really hide…