Press Room — Eric Francis Coppolino

Though I’m a journalist, other journalists have consistently taken an interest in my work. The New York Times in particular has kept my name in lights, for which I’m truly grateful. Here’s a sampling of some of the press coverage I’ve received in recent years. “Most people are shellshocked right now. They’re in pain. The … Read more

In and Out of Sagittarius

Nov. 21, 2019 Dear Friend and Reader: Focus in the sky is now shifting to Sagittarius; in particular, the Sun’s entry on Friday, and the conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, Ixion (a plutino), and the Galactic Core on Sunday. Scorpio has been exciting, if a little complicated for some. Mercury retrograde (which ended Thursday) has framed … Read more

Truth or Dare: Mercury Stations Direct

Did he doubt or did he try? Answers aplenty in the bye and bye Talk about your plenty, talk about your ills One man gathers what another man spills Dear Friend and Reader: Wednesday, Mercury stations direct in Scorpio. Through the week, we will be in that moment of turbulence and revelation associated with Mercury … Read more

Mercury Station Direct in Scorpio

Updated Sunday, Nov. 17 Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3. Planet Waves FM is presented each week without commercial interruption. It is produced and published by Chiron Return, our nonprofit friends nearby. Tonight’s program focuses on Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio, which occurs on Wednesday. Just … Read more