Mars Retrograde: Background, and Deep Background

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: As you know, Mars will be retrograde for most of the summer, for two months beginning on June 26. Mars retrogrades happen every other year, and each is distinctive. It’s not just the sign where it happens that defines the unique property of the retrograde, but primarily what … Read more

Mars and Society: Retrograde in Aquarius

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Beginning in late June, Mars will be retrograde, mostly in Aquarius. Mars retrograde is a ritual we go through for about two months every two years, and it’s always significant; always an adventure. This is particularly true in our era when the role of men and maleness is … Read more

Be Yourself, No Matter What They Say

The first keyword for this new planet came from its discoverer, Charles Kowal, who declared, “This thing is a maverick!” Old Samuel Maverick (1803-1870) was the rancher who refused to brand his cattle. Hence his name became synonymous with someone who refuses to conform. This turns out to be one of the most practical delineations of Chiron: people who have it prominently placed tend to stand out whether they like it or not. They’re unlikely to do as told unless it suits their own purposes. If you have a prominent Chiron (which you can only tell from looking at your natal chart), you need to make peace with being different, and master the art of doing so.

Chiron in Aries: Exploring The Ground of Being

On April 17, Chiron will enter Aries — its first return to that sign since 1968-1977, an eventful era that left its mark on the world. Outer planet transits through signs tend to describe phases in history. During those particular years, Chiron was in the phase of its cycle prior to its own discovery, which took place in November 1977.

Take a Step Back

The #MeToo movement has been chaotic, and there are some issues, which I’ll get into in a moment. Finally, about five drafts into this article and after consulting many women in my life, I spoke with an old friend named Megan O’Connor, who was well on her way to being a midwife when I knew her as a journalism colleague 20 years ago.