The Coronavirus Novel: Covid Collection by Eric Francis

Introduction: May 25, 2020 Dear Reader: We’ve gathered a collection of everything I’ve written related to the pandemic situation, more than 20 major articles in all starting in early March. These are presented in chronological order. I’m also the editor of Covid19 News on Planet Waves, and have written many commentaries there that are not … Read more

How did we get here? (part one)

Planet Waves
New York City, May 18, 2020. Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Back in January, Donald Trump was not removed from office after committing what appeared to be high crimes — using his office to gain personal advantage in the 2020 election, and then trying to cover it up. This revealed the failure of our system to correct itself, a massive karmic blunder that everyone could see.

A lot of us were concerned about what would happen next. Even some ardent Trump supporters were made nervous by this development.

As consolation, we were headed into an election where the country could change course. The people would decide. Bernie Sanders and many others were still in the race. There would, at least, be a national conversation about issues that had been sidelined for years.

Central to the election was going to be the discussion of Medicare for all, or some other form of universal health care. It was finally going to be time. The theoretical argument against it was going to be, we can’t afford that. It’s too lavish. That, and for some, the strange idea that “health care is not a right.”

Today, less than four months later, it’s as if there is no election. The “news” consists of around-the-clock reporting on one virus that we were recently assured would kill one to nine million Americans — a death fantasy that terrorized society and Wall Street and that led to a sacrifice of the economy: that is, the ability of many people to pay their way in life: to have food and shelter.

More than $4 trillion in federal debt has so far been spent dealing with this problem and it may not be enough to avert the next Great Depression.

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Is It, or Isn’t It? (non-mainstream pandemic theories)

By ERIC F. COPPOLINO After reviewing voluminous testimony from scientists, doctors and people we assess to be credible, there are essentially six major theories of the origins of the global pandemic that I can account for. Please note that this is an evolving document. Lest anyone confuse these with “conspiracy theories,” please read this article … Read more

Why you need to know how to take care of yourself

Posted on May 7, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: In early 2006, when I was living in Brussels, I attended my first event at the European Commission headquarters as a newly credentialed reporter. It was a symposium on a possible flu pandemic, potentially coming soon, that had press attention at the … Read more

Negligible Risk: Premeditated Murder?

Holly Martins (is on a Ferris wheel, asking Harry Lime about the people he has killed by selling diluted penicillin on the black market): “Have you ever seen any of your victims?” Harry Lime: “Victims? Don’t be melodramatic! Look down there! [pointing to people in an amusement park far below]. Would you really feel any … Read more