The President’s Joseph McCarthy

Thursday, the Attorney General of the United States refused to testify before the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. Yes, he skipped school on an important day. Call the truancy officer. He was going to be asked about why he lied to the American people about the content of the Special Counsel’s report into Russian meddling with the 2016 election, and why he lied when he said he did not know Mueller objected to his characterization of what the investigation discovered.

Taurus at the Speed of Sound

Earlier this week, we experienced the first of seven Sun-Uranus conjunctions in Taurus (that was Monday, April 22). News events are moving at a dizzying pace, and defy comprehension. At the time I’m writing this article on April 25, it’s been just over a week since the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, and a week since the release of the redacted version of the Special Counsel’s report. It seems more like a month.

Our Lady of Catharsis by Fire

When I first saw Notre Dame Cathedral, I didn’t know what it was. I mean, I knew it was a cathedral, but in Europe, you’re always seeing things like that and they have a way of blending into the scenery — like everything it represents.

An Unsealed Letter

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: You know things are weird when a top story in the news is how long a report might be. Not how long it is; how long it might be. Not what’s in the report. Not what is missing. Rather, the potential page count. This game of charades has … Read more

An Unsealed Letter

Originally published March 28, 2019 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: You know things are weird when a top story in the news is how long a report might be. Not how long it is; how long it might be. Not what’s in the report. Not what is missing. Rather, the potential page … Read more