Our Grow or Die Moment

This has been a weird few weeks. In tonight’s letter, I’m offering an analysis of what is happening now, and something of a map to the future.

Night Train — plus your Monday horoscope

Published Feb. 2, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I am entertaining myself writing horoscopes on an all-night train ride from Zaporizhzhia to Kyiv. This is a USSR model railway car, and the trip is 12 hours, alternately crawling, chugging and cruising through the eastern European countryside, making every stop. We are … Read more

And Now for the Moon in Pisces Show

Published Jan. 26, 2020 Dear Friend and Reader: These are exciting times if you’re into mundane astrology: the astrology of worldly events. You’re familiar with this modality — it’s most of what I write in Planet Waves. It’s great fun because it does not involve much speculation. Rather, you watch the astrology and the world … Read more

Dateline Kyiv: Report From the Scene of the Crime

Published Jan. 23, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I’m here in Kyiv, hot on the trail of Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort and the cafe where Gordon Sondland had champagne and caviar ravioli while chatting loudly with Donald Trump about making a deal with Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy to announce a phony investigation … Read more

Capricorn Old Moon, then Aquarius New Moon

Published Jan. 19, 2020 Dear Friend and Reader: This is about to be an interesting week. I know we are surfing the wild waves of “interesting times” (or maybe just Twitter) these days. However, the way this week’s astrology lines up with collective events, we’ve got a real moment. This week is all about the … Read more