Of Gemini and Capricorn — and Pie for the People

Dear Friend and Reader: Gemini is the happening place right now, home of the Sun, of Mercury, of Venus retrograde, and of the goddess Vesta. Much of the year’s most daunting astrology has been in Capricorn. All that has happened to society the past three months we can attribute to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in that … Read more

Life is Beautiful

Dear Friend and Reader: When Silent Spring was published in 1962, its impact and influence sprung from its beauty. The book, after causing a huge controversy, ultimately turned world opinion on the pesticide dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, or DDT. Its chemical formula is C14H9Cl5, and as a double benzene ring molecule, it is similar to dioxin and PCBs. … Read more

The Dream of a Common Language — With Yourself

Posted on May 10, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: On Wednesday, Venus turns to retrograde motion in Gemini. The retrograde effect has been present for a while, as Venus and Vesta have been moving through Gemini in a long conjunction, which culminates over the next couple of weeks. The retrograde lasts … Read more

Why you need to know how to take care of yourself

Posted on May 7, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: In early 2006, when I was living in Brussels, I attended my first event at the European Commission headquarters as a newly credentialed reporter. It was a symposium on a possible flu pandemic, potentially coming soon, that had press attention at the … Read more

Where Two or More Are Gathered, by Eric Francis

“Only puny secrets need protecting. Big secrets are protected by public incredulity.” — Marshall McLuhan Dear Friend and Reader: I’ve been seeing and hearing the term “conspiracy theorist” flying around, and in tonight’s letter I want to offer a few thoughts about this. The term has been coming up in the context of those who … Read more