Jupiter Conjunct Pluto, Mars Stations Direct

Dear Friend and Reader: Before I get into this week’s astrology, I have a thought about the inner journey of which astrology is rightly a part. The nature of the spiritual path is to question reality. That is, to question what seems to be reality, and to seek some underlying existence, some deeper truth. Once … Read more

Mercury Direct, The Election and the Asteroid Sauer

Dear Friend and Reader: This weekend I made a discovery related to Tuesday’s chart for Mercury direct. This, of course, is the day of and therefore the chart for the U.S. election. As I’ve mentioned a few times, the last time Mercury stationed direct on Election Day was in 2000, when George W. Bush lost, … Read more

November Surprises — The Month You Don’t Forget

Link to Horoscope Dear Friend and Reader: Right now all astrology is heading in the direction of Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn enter the sign of the Water Bearer and form a conjunction exactly on the solstice. This begins a new era of astrology — what I am calling the Aquarian Era, which we got a … Read more