American Spring

Dear Friend and Reader: FOR THE FIRST TIME in many years, antiwar protests have spread among college and university campuses in the United States. I don’t remember this happening in all the time I’ve been covering student activism in all of its forms since around 1983. In that era, there were anti-apartheid protests, though they … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly for May by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — As part of music study, you learn something, then you learn it again, then a few years later, you might learn it a third time. This is all mingled in with practice, trial and error, forgetting and remembering. With Mercury now moving direct through your sign, covering the places where … Read more

Sedna in Gemini: Frontier of a Question

Dear Friend and Reader: We are past the two historic conjunctions of April, the total eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries; and the alignment of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. I’ve raised a ruckus about these events like no other, and today would like to return to events in the air signs. Because the events of … Read more

Pin in Map: Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Dear Friend and Reader: I read a week ago in the New York Post’s astrology column (not its horoscope, they have both) that after the April 8 eclipse, the drama is not over — we still have the “even bigger” Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April 20. Jupiter is pretty big and Uranus can shake a mountain. … Read more