Planet Waves Monthly for August, 2024 by Eric Francis

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun, the Leo luminary, has entered your sign as of a few days ago, and this is serving as a reminder of all that you desire and want to accomplish. But first, take a moment and thank yourself for your devoted efforts of the past year, which have taken you….

The New American Revolution

In an edition of Planet Waves earlier this month, I said that the U.S. Pluto return is just beginning. We’re experiencing the first return of Pluto to its position at the time of the signing of both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation — the birth of the United States.

What Do You Mean, ‘Yourself’?

Dear Friend and Reader: While I am working on the Trust Yourself readings, I thought I would share a bit from the rich territory I’m exploring through the astrology of the next six months, and how it relates to the problems of living our lives in the digital environment. The readings are coming along. Once … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly for July 11, 2024 by Eric Francis

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re hurting emotionally, it’s likely that something from the distant past has bubbled to the surface. It may involve your relationship to your father, or some other male authority figure. These individuals — for whom various surrogates may be making cameo appearances…