Planet Waves for October 2023 by Eric Francis

I’m including the main chart I’m using. The lunar eclipse in Taurus comes into some of the readings, but mostly this set is based on the solar eclipse chart. I’m also preparing you for Pluto entering Aquarius in January.

Libra Equinox: Of Integrity, Justice and Beauty.

Humanity has always had a little going for it, and these days it seems to have ever less. But two things we count on to preserve our sanity and give ourselves reasons for continuing on are beauty and justice.

October Monthly Readings, Part One.

Notes, Photos and Charts for the new STARCAST Share this horoscope with a friend using this link. Whether you or someone else initiates a discussion, the encounter must happen and be on honest terms. When that happens, you will see that your viewpoints are probably not so far off. Aries (March 20-April 19) — Standing … Read more

Pisces, Virgo and the Corruption of Healing

  Dear Friend and Reader: Virgo is the sign of healing. We could weave many yarns around how it evolved that way from a primary association with agriculture and food storage, though it has. Virgo, a cousin of the 6th house, represents practitioners, treatment spaces, and is worth studying for all matters of health and … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly for Sept. 14, 2023

One of the mistakes people aware of Mercury retrograde make is trying to get it all done as soon as the retrograde ends (4:12 pm EDT on Sept. 15). Rather, conduct little experiments here and there; probe your environment to see how your ideas are received. Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have just passed … Read more