Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for August 24, 2023

Share This Horoscope with a Friend The pressure you may feel is the necessity to be yourself. Yet be aware, a journey back to yourself will be necessary. You are closer than you may think. Aries (March 20-April 19) — The pressure you may feel is the necessity to be yourself. I mean this in … Read more

Update: Astrology Et Al

A quick update from Eric along with a new STARCAST covering recent astrology events. Also included within are pictures from Eric’s travels to Thailand, including but not limited to a thai kitty and a cute dog

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for August 3, 2023

Leo – There is mystery and revelation in the seeming chaos. To relate to what seems disorganized in a coherent way is an excellent skill — more than about survival, though that’s certainly true. It’s a demonstration that your reality is mostly inside of your consciousness….

Summoning the Curious

The weather has been interesting here in upstate New York this summer. My preference, after living in many climates, is for weather that changes every few days. That’s what it’s doing here, and I’m noticing this from day to day.