Breaking Consensus: First Real-Time Test of Pluto in Aquarius is Coming Soon

We sometimes wonder what this whole digital thing is about. Eric McLuhan got it right when he said to consider the “deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world,” an effect of what electrical devices to do body-consciousness. All of the inner planets will soon make conjunctions to Pluto in Aquarius. We will … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly for February by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may passively observe the changes to your social environment, and you can also step into the scene and investigate directly. For many years, the world has been locked into certain patterns that seem to weave an ever-tighter mesh. Now, that is slowly starting to unravel, though few have noticed. … Read more

STARCAST – Leo Full Moon and a Lot of Chiron

Dear Friend and Reader: I am taking off from writing duties through the February monthly next week, though I do have a few thoughts about today’s Full Moon. In that spirit, today’s STARCAST looks at the Leo Full Moon chart. The Moon and Sun (in an opposition — that’s the ‘full’ part) are also square Jupiter (90 … Read more

Pluto Enters Aquarius with the Sun on Saturday

Dear Friend and Reader: We are at the first peak of 2024 astrology, as Pluto enters Aquarius on Saturday in a conjunction with the Sun. I cover the details in the STARCAST episode presented as audio and video above the newest excerpts from Somewhere In Between. If you are finding these excerpts to be engaging, you … Read more

Sedna and More, excerpts from Somewhere In Between

Aries In the past two decades, Sedna has become associated with the environment and particularly things related to the ice caps. The emphasis in Gemini shifts concern to the mental environment — by far the most important one, as it colors perception of all other environments. Jupiter and Sedna in Gemini: Stay Local Then there … Read more