Hermes, Whispering at the Moon

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: When the Moon opposes the Sun once a month, the planets don’t stop, though it’s one habit of astrology to pretend as if they do. Of course, most astrology is based on pretending to make the planets stop; they don’t stop at the time you’re born, but that … Read more

An Expert’s Guide to Mercury Retrograde

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Three or four times a year, everyone who knows something about astrology goes through a ritual called Mercury retrograde. Everyone who doesn’t know about astrology gets to have the experience, not sure what it is though perhaps suspecting that something weird is going on. We are now approaching … Read more

Mercury, Weaving the Story of Nessus

Published June 6, 2014 | Link to original Those children who are beaten will in turn give beatings, those who are intimidated will be intimidating, those who are humiliated will impose humiliation, and those whose souls are murdered will murder. – Alice Miller Dear Friend and Reader: Nessus, the third centaur planet (discovered in 1993, orbit … Read more

Cosmic Confidential: My Life as a Horoscope Writer

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Horoscopes are a writing form that’s close to my heart for two reasons. One is that reading the Patric Walker column in The New York Post in the early 1990s was the first demonstration to me of how relevant astrology could be. I knew astrology existed, and I knew astrologers, … Read more

The Radical Notion that Men Are People

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Mars stations direct in Libra on Monday, after being retrograde since March 1. In modern astrology, Mars is the planet of desire, motivation, drive, impetus, volition and aggression, named for the Roman god of war. Our society has Mars issues. We have too many wars. We spend too … Read more